I'm trying to use time lapse on my iphone 12 and when I start filming the screen lags so things move super slow or in a choppy way very suddenly and it's just dizzying to look at. Filming normal videos seems fine so I'm wondering what the issue is. If anyone could help, thanks!

First, you open the camera and tap time-lapse to be in time-lapse mode. Then tap the screen to see the yellow box appear. Then hold down on that yellow box until 'AE/AF LOCK' pops up and appears on the top of the screen. After that, you can start filming the time-lapse and it will no longer lag and should work properly. Hope that helps, let me know if you're still confused about anything!

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On supported models, the camera preview displays content outside the frame to show you what can be captured by using another lens in the camera system with a wider field of view. View Outside the Frame is on by default.

Step 1: Use the Volume button. Hold down the hardware volume button on the lefthand side of the phone until you see the screen-based volume indicator drop all the way down. But you have to do it at the right time, and if you do this in the iOS 14 or 15 Camera app, the camera will start shooting video.

In some countries, predominently Japan and South Korea, the camera shutter sound remains on all the time. Shutter muting is not allowed, and phones bought and sold there are customized for those markets to guarantee total privacy and stop unknown recording or photographing.

This new rumor suggests that Samsung has taken inspiration from the iPhone 15 series and will feature a 24MP default camera resolution on the Galaxy S24 Ultra. This is a significant upgrade from the current Galaxy S23 Ultra, which has a default camera resolution of 12MP.

If you just point your iPhone camera at a scene and press the shutter button, the camera will decide which part of the scene to focus on (usually the middle of the frame), and what level to set the exposure.

Using AE/AF Lock prevents this from happening as it allows you to keep the focus locked on your main subject. Once focus is locked, the camera will remain focused on this subject no matter what happens elsewhere in the scene.

If a page does not prompt you for permission, you can use the Permissions panel in Firefox's Page Info window to set a custom permission for the Use the camera or Use the microphone setting. (One way to open the Page Info window for a website is to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Icommand + I while you are on the page; for other ways, see the Firefox Page Info window article.) In the Page Info window, select Permissions at the top:

There is an amazing array of iPhone camera settings you can tweak, customize, and configure to get just the right shots. Some of these settings are obvious, but others are buried beneath layers of buttons and menus and are easy to miss.

And while anyone can take great shots on an iPhone just by launching the camera and pressing the shutter button, learning a few of the custom options can truly take your iPhone photography to the next level.

Nestled near the top of the iPhone camera is a thin strip (with the Flash icon on the left and the Live Photos icon on the right, as displayed below). Situated directly between these two icons is a small arrow pointing up, like the ^ caret above the number six on a keyboard:

Tap the caret at the top to show and hide a row of options near the bottom of the camera interface. As you can see in the screenshot above, this uncovers a handful of useful options, including filters and real-time cropping.

Another way to access these settings? Press your finger directly on the middle of your iPhone screen with the camera open, then swipe up or down. This yields the same result as tapping on the ^ icon, but some people find the press-and-swipe method to be a little more convenient. Either way, the hidden row of options puts some powerful tools right at your fingertips and can help you instantly take better photos.

Well, I hope you found these tips helpful! Note that these are just some of the iPhone camera settings you can change to help customize your photography experience. There are dozens of other options to change and tweak, and with just a bit of practice, you will soon find yourself adjusting plenty of settings to suit your needs.

You can view the Live View image of the camera on the mobile device, and using this, change shooting conditions such as EV compensation, White balance, Drive mode and operate touch AF and the shutter.* Furthermore, when holding your mobile device at horizontal position, Live View image can fill the whole screen and you can check the composition of photo larger.

The lens correction feature of the iPhone adjusts the photo that is taken with an ultra-wide camera or front camera. It produces a natural-looking photo. This feature is turned on by default. For turning it off, perform the following actions:


I found the solution today! I closed the Yi app, restarted my iphone pushing the volumen & the on/off bottoms and when I turned on the iphone, the Yi app was reseted. I sent the invitation to connect succesfully!

11. Tap "Connect".

Ā If multiple cameras are displayed, select the one that matches the camera's "OWN NAME" (press the "MENU/OK" button and then select "BLUETOOTH SETTINGS" > "INFORMATION" > "OWN NAME" on the camera).

A. This app requires access to location information in order to connect to the LiPlay camera. Please re-install the app and select "Allow access to location information" or select to allow the LiPlay app to access location information in the privacy settings for the app.

hello, 1st timer here in forum. i recently bought a new iphone 12 pro max. and I though i should install a camera lens protector. they only have the round ones. after letting them installed it for me, when i went home i noticed the ghost round thing on the phone when i use the camera.

Apple has been making camera lenses pretty durable for a while now. You should be all good to grab a knife and peel it off, but you can also feel free to just try to pick at it with a plastic guitar pick or something similar.

@osex Thank you very much. I'm still OCD on the camera lens, so far didn't see a scratch. i had to be careful since the laminated ID is a little soft and thin enough to slip under the protector. All the tips I saw online they used a pocket knife or sharper metal screw driver which I don't want to use it. Thanks again...Now I have to get over this OC/anxiety over my phone.

After launching your drone app on your phone, explore the camera settings so that you know the functions in and out. Most drone cameras have two pairs of rotors that rotate in opposite directions. This balance helps the drone to stay upright.

MOMSMONEY.ID - Apple dikenal memiliki kualitas kamera yang bagus. Namun, terkadang foto tidak tersimpan secara otomatis. Artikel ini memberikan cara mengatasi iPhone tidak bisa menyimpan foto.

Mengutip Guilding Tech, ada 5 cara mengatasi iPhone tidak bisa menyimpan foto. Berikut caranya. Baca Juga: Cara Mengembalikan Pesan Facebook yang Terhapus Permanen Tanpa Aplikasi TambahanĀ 

KOMPAS.com - Mematikan suara atau silent kamera iPhone bisa dilakukan dengan mudah tanpa perlu menggunakan aplikasi tambahan. Sementara itu, cara silent kamera iPhone tidak bisa langsung ditemukan lewat menu pengaturan di aplikasi kamera bawaan.

Penyebabnya karena Apple mengikuti aturan lokal "anti-paparazi" atau larangan mengambil gambar secara diam-diam. Dengan aturan tersebut, suara jepretan kamera iPhone Jepang bakal tetap terdengar meski ponsel dalam mode hening.

Live merupakan fitur di kamera iPhone yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengambil foto bergerak. Saat fitur "Live" aktif, suara jepretan kamera iPhone bakal tidak muncul. Demikian dua cara mematikan suara kamera iPhone, selamat mencoba.

Tentunya cara mengatasi untuk penyebab kamera iPhone bergetar satu ini cukup mudah. Kamu bisa coba untuk membersihkan bagian lensa dan kameranya. Tapi karena kamera merupakan fitur sensitif sehingga perlu beberapa hal yang diperhatikan sebelum membersihkannya. Direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan lap microfiber lembut sehingga ketika bersentuhan dengan lensa kamera tidak akan membuatnya rusak ataupun lecet.

Namun, terkadang jika ingin memotret akan muncul suara yang cukup dianggap mengganggu. Beberapa orang ingin mengecilkan suara atau menghilangkannya sama sekali. Oleh karena itu perlu diketahui terkait cara mematikan suara kamera iPhone selengkapnya.

Cara mematikan suara kamera iPhone sangat mudah. Pengguna tidak perlu mendownload aplikasi tambahan atau mengikuti cara yang panjang dan rumit. Cukup terapkan cara berikut dan suara kamera iPhone akan menjadi senyap seketika.

Banyak orang memasang lapisan pelindung untuk mencegah lensa kamera iPhone rusak jika perangkat tanpa sengaja terjatuh. Sekilas, cara ini mampu memperpanjang usia iPhone. Namun, lapisan pelindung mungkin menghalangi cahaya yang masuk ke lensa jika tidak dipasang dengan benar, sehingga menyebabkan hasil jepretan iPhone menjadi buram. Ini mungkin juga terjadi jika lapisan pelindung tergores.

Namun, semakin kamu memperbesarnya, semakin banyak detail gambar yang hilang. Saat di-zoom secara maksimal, gambar akan kehilangan ketajamannya dan menjadi buram. Jadi, coba perkecil zoom untuk mengetahui apakah kamera dapat mengambil gambar dengan jernih pada ukuran normal. ff782bc1db

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