Car Rental Toronto

Renting a Car for a Family Road Trip

1. Start your road trip with a car rental

2. Find the perfect family-sized vehicle for your needs - SUV, minivan, or sedan

3. Compare prices at different companies to find the best deal

4. Consider booking in advance to get better rates and availability

5. Pack smart, so you don't have to worry about luggage space - use backpacks and duffle bags instead of too many suitcases

6. Be sure to have an emergency kit in your car just in case!

There are many points to think about when travelling with family, but renting a car might not be the first thing on your mind. In this blog post, we will go over some tips and tricks for picking up the right rental car for a family road trip, as well as what you should do before taking off on your road trip.


It's always a daunting task to choose from the many self-drive car rental companies out there. You're trying to figure out what your destination will be and how you'll get around, but with so much choice in front of you, it can make things even more difficult! Take some time for yourself, relax, take a deep breath and think about where you want to go - visualize the perfect vehicle taking care of all those driving responsibilities.

Space and capacity

The cabin space, legroom, luggage boot, and window size play an essential role in determining how long you can comfortably sit upfront without taking a break. It is imperative if your loved ones are uncomfortable with long-distance journeys or have some sort of disability that requires additional care while travelling. The luggage space and capacity also play an essential role since they determine the number of passengers sitting behind you as well as their baggage weight limits within reason given your car's specifications.

Engine Power and handling

A good rule of thumb is that if you're taking a road less travelled (such as one filled with steep hills), don't compromise the performance capabilities by choosing too little horsepower from an underpowered model. If more than just speed and agility matters when considering which vehicle suits each trip type. Nothing spoils a trip experience like an underwhelming vehicle. Similarly, the driving experience depends on how well you handle your car and what it feels like when steering with them. So if you're taking one out for rent, do pay attention to these aspects of the ride!

Suspension and driving position

A good suspension and a higher driving position are crucial for any vehicle travelling long distances. When choosing an SUV, opt for one with all-wheel-powered drive to have the best combination of off-road performance and highway comfort on rough roads. Cars with these features are worth exploring for your needs.

Rental Fees

Planning a road trip? You'll need the right car rental for the journey. Get in touch with us today to learn about our great deals and get your reservation started!