Obviating Car Thieves – Know-How

Obviating Car Thieves – Know-How

Nowadays, car theft is increasing day by day and it has been reported that within every 40 seconds, a car is being stolen. Car is usually one of the most expensive things which a person own, so burglary of a car could incur huge loss to the owner.

Car thieves could be thwarted with the help of car alarms Gladesville in which two or more sensors are connected to a siren. Earlier only a switch is available on the driver’s door which is wired to siren so that if any thief tries to open the door, the siren would start wailing.

However, now due to technology advancement, many other features, components, and functions are included to make a more secure alarm system. Moreover, these components ensure that the system functions properly and efficiently in the absence of the battery as well. Following are the important components of the alarm system-

The Brain

The computer control unit is called the brain of the car tracking system. As the brain of the human body, the control unit is the one that receives all the sensors and sends the command to the siren to trigger the horn when required.

It monitors every action as every feature of the alarm system is connected with the control unit. The brain either gets its energy from the internal battery or the ignition of the car.


The main purpose of the siren is to inform the owner of the vehicle in case of any mishap. The wailing of the siren discourages the intruder from carrying out their attempt to steal the car or any other component of the car. One could get the best quality car alarm from Strathfield.

Shock Sensor

Shock sensor work on the theory of motion strength and plays an important role in obviating the car thieves. When someone is trying to push or move the car, shock sensors determine the severity of the movement and communicate the same to the brain of the system.

It is then decided by the brain to set off the alarm or ignore it by determining the strength of the motion. They are more powerful than door sensors.

Pressure Sensor

When the doors of the car are opened forcefully, or the window of the car is broken, then pressure sensors monitor the change in the air pressure. If the considerate change in the air pressure is detected, then the signal is transmitted to the brain which triggers the alarm of the car.

Window Sensor

Many tricks are used by the thieves at the time of stealing the car like without meddling with the doors many car thefts have been reported. This time thieves just break the window of the car. So window sensors are used to prevent such cases or situations in which alarm would be triggered in case of window breakage.

To ensure the security of the car, car alarms from Strathfield are necessary to be installed. These systems alert the owner of the car if an intruder tries any vicious attempt of stealing the car.