After updating to Xcode 15 and macOS Sonoma, there is not an option to download an iOS 14 simulator. My app's minimum deployment target is iOS 14. How can I test that my app is functioning correctly on iOS 14 devices if I cannot download the appropriate simulator? Any ideas for a workaround? Thank you in advance!

So it looks like you can do on-device debugging, but not use the Simulator. I doubt you have every iOS 14 device so it's not a great help. Maybe you'll have to download a version of Xcode that the Simulator is available for?

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I am having the exact same issue. And after trying to manually install the runtime, based on the errors I got I think the iOS 14.5 simulator runtime is just not compatible with macOS Sonoma. Out in the wild a quite large percentage of our user base is using iOS 14 and we just can't drop the iOS 14 support. I am really hoping that an update will fix this soon as iOS 14.5 is still a pretty recent version of iOS to just drop support out of the blue like that.

The release notes seem to only list the newest version that Xcode 15 support. You can download simulator SDKs back to iOS 15.0, but it doesn't seem to support < 15.0, or at least I can't figure out how to download it. You can download the available ones from the Settings/Platforms tab, + in lower left, choose iOS. Then you get a list of simulator runtimes to install. The oldest is iOS 15.0.

hopefully, someone responsible for the development of xcode will wake up and actually provide this support sometime soon.ideally, i'm sure most developers want to adopt new technologies to gain the benefits thereof, but apple makes it difficult by not seeming to realize that in the real world, we have to also still support users on older devices. many of us don't have an extensive collection of old hardware laying around, nor the time to curate a stable of old devices running older os versions (which it is often impossible to downgrade to). for this reason, sim support is critical.

So according to Apple's docs, Xcode 15.1 will only run on macOS 13.5, and iOS 14 simulators will only run before macOS 13.3.99. This two requirements are in conflict. Yet, Apple's Xcode support page (which doesn't list Xcode 15.1 yet at all) lists it's possible at least in the Xcode 15.1beta.

While I understand what simulation and emulation mean in general, I almost always get confused about them. Assume that I create a piece of software that mimics existing hardware/software, what should I call it? A simulator or an emulator?

Emulation is the process of mimicking the outwardly observable behavior to match an existing target. The internal state of the emulation mechanism does not have to accurately reflect the internal state of the target which it is emulating.

Ideally, you should be able to look into the simulation and observe properties that you would also see if you looked into the original target. In practice, there may some shortcuts to the simulation for performance reasons -- that is, some internal aspects of the simulation may actually be an emulation.

EDIT: Other responses have pointed out that the goal of an emulation is to able to substitute for the object it is emulating. That's an important point. A simulation's focus is more on the modeling of the internal state of the target -- and the simulation does not necessarily lead to emulation. In particular, a simulation may run far slower than real-time. SPICE, for example, cannot substitute for an actual electronics circuit (even if assuming there was some kind of magical device that perfectly interfaces electrical circuits to a SPICE simulation.)A simulation does not always lead to emulation --

Simulator mimics the activity of something that it is simulating. It "appears"(a lot can go with this "appears", depending on the context) to be the same as the thing being simulated. For example the flight simulator "appears" to be a real flight to the user, although it does not transport you from one place to another.

Emulator, on the other hand, actually "does" what the thing being emulated does, and in doing so it too "appears to be doing the same thing". An emulator may use different set of protocols for mimicking the thing being emulated, but the result/outcome is always the same as the original object. For example, EMU8086 emulates the 8086 microprocessor on your computer, which obviously is not running on 8086 (= different protocols), but the output it gives is what a real 8086 would give.

It's a difference in focus. Emulators1 focus on recreating the behavior of a system, with no regard for how the system functions internally. Simulators2 focus on modeling the components of a system. You use an emulator when you care mostly about what a system does, and a simulator when you care about how it does it.

As for their general English meanings, emulation is "the endeavor to equal or to excel another in qualities or actions", while simulation is "to model, replicate, duplicate the behavior, appearance or properties of". Not much difference. Emulation comes from mulus, "striving, rivaling," and is related to "imitate" and "image," which suggests a surface-lever resemblance. "Simulation" comes from similis "like", as does the word "similar," which perhaps suggests a deeper congruence.

In short: an emulator is designed to copy some features of the orginial and can even replace it in the real environment. A simulator is not desgined to copy the features of the original, but only to appear similar to the original to human beings. Without the features of the orginal, the simulator cannot replace it in the real environment.

An emulator is a device that mimics something close enough so that it can be substituted to the real thing. E.g you want a circuit to work like a ROM (read only memory) circuit, but also wants to adjust the content until it is what you want. You'll use a ROM emulator, a black box (likely to be CPU-based) with a physical and electrical interfaces compatible with the ROM you want to emulate. The emulator will be plugged into the device in place of the real ROM. The motherboard will not see any difference when working, but you will be able to change the emulated-ROM content easily. Said otherwise the emulator will act exactly as the actual thing in its motherboard context (maybe a little bit slower due to actual internal model) but there will be additional functions (like re-writing) visible only to the designer, out of the motherboard context. So emulator definition would be: something that mimic the original, has all of its functional features, can actually replace it to some extend in the real world, and may have additional features not visible in the normal context.

A simulator is used in another thinking context, e.g a plane simulator, a car simulator, etc. The simulation will take care only of some aspect of the actual thing, usually those related to how a human being will perceive and control it. The simulator will not perform the functions of the real stuff, and cannot be sustituted to it. The plane simulator will not fly or carry someone, it's not its purpose at all. The simulator is not intended to work, but to appear to the pilot somehow like the actual thing for purposes other than its normal ones, e.g. to allow ground training (including in unusual situations like all-engine failure). So simulator definition would be: something that can appear to human, to some extend, like the original, but cannot replace it for actual use. In addition the pilot will know that the simulator is a simulator.

I don't think we'll see any ROM simulator, because ROM are not interacting with human beings, nor we'll see any plane emulator, because planes cannot have a replacement performing the same functions in the real world.

In my view the model inside an emulator or a simulator can be anything, and has not to be similar to the model of the original. A ROM emulator model will likely be software instead of hardware, MS Flight Simulator cannot be more software than it is.

This comparison of both terms will contradict the currently selected answer (from Toybuilder) which puts the difference on the internal model, while my suggestion is that the difference is whether the fake can or cannot be used to perform the actual function in the actual world (to some accepted extend, indeed).

Note that the plane simulator will have also to simulate the earth, the sun, the wind, etc, which are not part of the plane, so a plane simulator will have to mimic some aspects of the plane, as well as the environment of the plane because it is not used in this actual environment, but in a training room.

This is a big difference with the emulator which emulates only the orginal, and its purpose is to be used in the environment of the original with no need to emulate it. Back to the plane context... what could be a plane emulator? Maybe a train that will connect two airports -- actually two plane steps -- carrying passengers, with stewardesses onboard, with car interior looking like an actual plane cabin, and with captain saying "ladies and gentlemen our altitude is currenlty 10 kms and the temperature at our destination is 24C". Its benefit is difficult to see, hum...

To understand the difference between a simulator and an emulator, keep in mind that a simulator tries to mimic the behavior of a real device. For example, in the case of the iOS Simulator, it simulates the real behavior of an actual iPhone/iPad device. However, the Simulator itself uses the various libraries installed on the Mac (such as QuickTime) to perform its rendering so that the effect looks the same as an actual iPhone. In addition, applications tested on the Simulator are compiled into x86 code, which is the byte-code understood by the Simulator. A real iPhone device, conversely, uses ARM-based code.

In contrast, an emulator emulates the working of a real device. Applications tested on an emulator are compiled into the actual byte-code used by the real device. The emulator executes the application by translating the byte-code into a form that can be executed by the host computer running the emulator. 152ee80cbc

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