Privacy Policy Statement

Last Updated On 2/17/24

What data do we collect?

We store data on player's name, cosmetic purchases, active users, and when players log in, and other. Please note that we don't share your data with third parties or generally don't store audio. Important note: By playing Capuchin Caverns, you are automatically consenting that your actions in the game may be recorded through video, images, audio, or other by the developers for observation purposes or advertising purposes. 

How is Capuchin Caverns using your data?

We use your data to determine trends in how Capuchin Caverns is viewed by our community.

How can you request to erase your data? 

You can contact Make sure to provide your ID which is located on the Computer in Shop. This will give us the information we need to find your account and delete it.

How do we protect your data?

We store your data in reputable places and follow procedures such as 2 factor authentication.