Personal Bio

I really didnt show intrest in art intill highschool. I actually didn't choose to take photography but i was given it my freshman year. I ended up really liking the class and took it for 2 more years. I have also taken drawing & painting , ceramics, and Fiber & jewelry arts. Photography is what im more intrested in, and im most inspired by nature.

The process

I made a plan for this project but i ended up changing it because the design i originally had i just didn't like. Then i started to wedge my clay to get the air bubbles out. I rolled out some clay to create a base. Then i started rolling coils to build the vase. Then after all the coils were put i started to smooth it out. Then i added the handle. Then i started my design of a San Judita. I left it out to dry to be fired. Then i glazed it, and fired it one last time.

Conecting the capstone 

The topic of my project is a San Judita. San Juditas are part of wht i belive in and connects to my religion which is cathlic. San Juditas connect to my family's culture from Mexico. When people look at my artwork i want them to notice the importance of San Juditas. That is why i made him the focal point.

Art classes and education 

My art classes have taught me how to plan for things. This will help me plan as i go as an adult.  This will help me plan for my future and make important decisions. Im not sure what i want to do after high school but i think i want to go to community college. To begin this process i plan on researching the community college around me and then i can plan what i want to do.

Future Changes 

If I were to make changes on my project i would probably make my San Judita more detalied. I would want to add more detail on the face and the coin by carving more.