Mercenary Services


Capital Vices offers Merc services.

We have:

  1. been servicing clients from Bahamut and even server transfers just to get the drops they want/need.

  2. a proven track record of success to ensure the customer receives what they want in a timely fashion.

  3. excellent communication to our customers before, and during the events.

Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed.


Omen Schedule -

Generally Saturday/Tuesday at 10:00 pm pst to 1am PST

Aeonic clears:

Aeonic Schedule -

Aeonic clears are scheduled once a month, so inquire within on the days we have allotted to run clears. Our runs consists of a two night process, Friday and Saturday (10:00 pm PST- 2:00m PST).

Friday night is Zi'tah, and Ru'Aun, while Saturday night is dedicated to Resinjima)

Full clear: (All Zones) - Full Aeonic Clear, all drops included

Custom Aeonic Clear - If you need specific NMs to finish your clear; let us know so we can determine pricing.

We also provide multiple character discounts, inquire within.


Mercenary Prices

Crafting Services

We also have a number of accomplished crafters. If you need crafting please reach out to them directly to negotiate prices. These are not set at the LS but by the individual crafters.
