How do I start a club? There are two opportunities throughout the year to start a club here at Canyon. At the start of each semester, we hold a Club Interest Meeting with all the information needed to create a club. For more details, you can visit the club handbook linked below.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZK9VxXHfGcfuCyCAjNMYMM_bjreT98-3_3rcpGUOiE/edit?usp=sharingWhy should I start my own club?Starting your own club is a great way to acquire leadership and collaborations skills while gaining a greater sense of community with your classmates and other fellow students. Why should I join a club?Clubs provide students the opportunities to develop academically and socially, through involvement in club events and fundraising activities. In addition, you can explore different interests through clubs and meet new people!How To Join a Club?To join clubs here at Canyon, scroll up, and hover above "Clubs". A drop down menu will pop up showcasing all the clubs and information. You can also join clubs through Club Carnival which is held twice a year!