01.31.22: Gradebook Missing Status Removal

Missing Assignment Gradebook Status

When a grade is entered manually for a missing submission, the missing status is removed.

Change Benefit

This change removes the Missing label for submissions that have not been submitted online but that have received a manually entered grade.


When an assignment indicates a student’s submission as missing, and a grade is entered manually in the Gradebook, the Missing status is removed. In the Gradebook, the Missing status is indicated as a color. The Grade Detail Tray displays both the status and the color. Once a manual grade has been entered, the Missing label is removed. Removing the entered grade does not replace the Missing label. Labels that need to be reapplied must be done manually. The Missing label is also removed if the assignment is part of an assignment with a Late Policy, and a manual grade is entered for the assignment submission. This behavior also applies in SpeedGrader.

Find out more information here [includes Screencast].