With the Canvas curvature tool you can create beautiful smooth curves with precise control. Simple point and click operation makes it easy to draw exactly the shapes you need, and switch between curved and straight lines with ease.

Apple Pencil support is also essential for me when working with Obsidian on iPad. Basically all my productivity tools from classic apps like the Office suite to pure web apps I use support the Apple Pencil and drawing even in the browser.

For Obsidian to get Apple Pencil support would be one of the greatest addition in terms of productivity that I could currently wish for.

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Here's how you can modify your code a bit. Note, you are never actually redrawing anything, simply drawing a number on top of another one. You will notice if you let your code run, the numbers stack on top of each other.

If you use clearRect you can redraw a part of the canvas defined by the desired pixel dimensions. Run this example snippet and you will see, only the time gets repainted (otherwise the rectangles would disappear)

Use clearRect to clear only part of the canvas. In the below example I have used measureText to get the exact width of the text that is displayed.I have hard-coded the height of the area cleared, it is possible to get the height but it is complicated.

Another way to approach this: Decouple the brush from the mouse, so that the mouse pulls the brush, as if they were connected by a chain. Some drawing (desktop) apps or plugins seem to provide such a feature, but a publicly visible implementation in JavaScript or actually any language seems to not exist. So let's do it ourselves.

I have implemented exactly this in the form of a small library. It should be easy to integrate into existing canvas drawing apps. Its update function will return a boolean to indicate if the mouse has moved the brush or not. If it did and if the user is pressing the mouse button, the movement can be drawn on the canvas context.

When drawing on the context, you can still use the usual techniques to make movement smoother, like interpolating points. All this together provides a really good way to draw with a mouse or finger.

The .NET MAUI GraphicsView control provides access to an ICanvas object, on which properties can be set and methods invoked to draw graphical objects. For more information about the GraphicsView, see GraphicsView.

Graphical objects are drawn on an ICanvas using a device-independent unit that's recognized by each platform. This ensures that graphical objects are scaled appropriately to the pixel density of the underlying platform.

Rounded rectangles and squares can be drawn on an ICanvas using the DrawRoundedRectangle method, which requires x, y, width, height, and cornerRadius arguments, of type float. The cornerRadius argument specifies the radius used to round the corners of the rectangle.

Arcs can be drawn on an ICanvas using the DrawArc method, which requires x, y, width, height, startAngle, and endAngle arguments of type float, and clockwise and closed arguments of type bool. The startAngle argument specifies the angle from the x-axis to the starting point of the arc. The endAngle argument specifies the angle from the x-axis to the end point of the arc. The clockwise argument specifies the direction in which the arc is drawn, and the closed argument specifies whether the end point of the arc will be connected to the start point.

Strings can be drawn on an ICanvas using one of the DrawString overloads. The appearance of each string can be defined by setting the Font, FontColor, and FontSize properties. String alignment can be specified by horizontal and vertical alignment options that perform alignment within the string's bounding box.

Attributed text can be drawn on an ICanvas using the DrawText method, which requires an IAttributedText argument, and x, y, width, and height arguments, of type float. Attributed text is a string with associated attributes for parts of its text, that typically represents styling data.

Graphical objects with both fill and stroke can be drawn to the canvas by calling a draw method after a fill method. For example, to draw an outlined rectangle, set the FillColor and StrokeColor properties to colors, then call the FillRectangle method followed by the DrawRectangle method.

ICanvas objects have a StrokeDashPattern property, of type float[]. This property is an array of float values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that are to be used when drawing the stroke for an object. Each float in the array specifies the length of a dash or gap. The first item in the array specifies the length of a dash, while the second item in the array specifies the length of a gap. Therefore, float values with an even index value specify dashes, while float values with an odd index value specify gaps.

Hey @alex4 thank you for the reply, everything is clear but the question 1. What I need is setup the fill color of the shape to 100% transparent since I start to draw, whiteout the need of pick any color or tell it to be 100% transparent, what I mean is make it 100% by default when I start to draw.

Even if you can't sign in to Canvas, you can still create drawings. When you sign in later, all of your local drawings will sync to your Google Account and will be available on all devices where you're signed in.

Move to position (x, y) without drawing anything, ready to start the next edge of the current shape.The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

Draw an image (represented by a Media object) at position (x,y). Optionally specify width and height. If (x,y) is not specified, draws at (0,0).The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

A transform rotates, translates, or scales what you draw onto the canvas. You apply it before drawing, and once applied,everything you draw will be transformed. You can go back to using no transform using reset_transform.

The JavaFX Canvas API provides a custom texture that you can write to. It is defined by classes Canvas, CanvasBuilder, and GraphicsContext in the javafx.scene.canvas package. Using this API involves creating a Canvas object, obtaining its GraphicsContext, and invoking drawing operations to render your custom shapes on screen. Because the Canvas is a Node subclass, it can be used in the JavaFX scene graph.

The BasicOpsTest project (shown in Figure 1) creates a Canvas, obtains its GraphicsContext, and draws some basic shapes to it. Lines, ovals, round rectangles, arcs, and polygons are all possible using methods of the GraphicsContext class.

As shown in Example 1, the Canvas is instantiated with a width of 300 and a height of 250. Its GraphicsContext is then obtained with a call to canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(). After that, a number of basic drawing operations are carried out by invoking methods such as strokeLine, fillOval, strokeArc, and fillPolygon.

The code for this example is organized so that each drawing operation is carried out in its own private method. This allows you to test out different features by simply invoking (or commenting out) the methods of interest. Just keep in mind that in terms of learning the Canvas API, the code to focus on is the underlying calls to the Canvas or GraphicsContext objects.

You can also instantiate multiple Canvas objects, and use them to define a simple layer system. Switching layers therefore becomes a matter of selecting the desired Canvas and writing to it. (A Canvas object is completely transparent, and shows through until you draw on parts of it.)

User interaction is accomplished by adding an event handler directly to each layer. Clicking on the Canvas will generate a MouseEvent, which when received, will draw a circle at the current mouse location.

Tip: To add the most common shapes and text, even with the Shapes panel closed, double-click on the drawing canvas to see the shape selection dialog. Select a shape to add it to the drawing canvas.

Scrollbars: Select View > Scrollbars to display or hide the scrollbars on the right and bottom of the drawing canvas. To move the drawing canvas, click and hold the right or middle mouse button to drag the canvas and see a different part of the diagram.

All objects that observe a CSS canvas of the same name are sharing that canvas. This means that (similar to how animated GIFs work), you can do animations and have them happen in lockstep on all the clients of the canvas. Drawing changes will be propagated to all clients automatically.

These are the basic types of graphics that you can use to enhance your Word documents: drawing objects, SmartArt, charts, pictures, and clip art. Drawings refer to a drawing object or a group of drawing objects.

Add flow charts with connectors. Before you create a flow chart, add a drawing canvas by clicking the Insert tab, clicking Shapes in the Illustrations group, and then clicking New Drawing Canvas. On the Format tab, in the Insert Shapes group, click a Flow chart shape. Under Lines, choose a connector line such as the Curved Arrow Connector.

Align the objects on the canvas. To align the objects, press and hold CTRL while you select the objects that you want to align. On the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align to choose from an assortment of alignment commands.

Use shadow and three-dimensional (3-D) effects to add interest to the shapes in your drawing. On the Format tab, choose an option in either the Shadow Effects or the 3-D Effects group. ff782bc1db

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