Hi, I'm Canvassador Kristina A. Holzweiss and welcome to Canva Librarians and Teachers!

Are you a librarian or teacher ready to unleash your creativity and elevate your teaching and programming? Canva Librarians and Teachers is designed just for you! Whether you’re in a school, public, academic, or special library, or you’re a higher education instructor, or a public, private, or charter school teacher, we’ve got you covered.

Join our vibrant community where we:

Dive into a world of creativity, collaboration, and endless possibilities. Together, we can transform our libraries and classrooms into vibrant, engaging learning spaces. Let’s make magic with Canva!

Do you have an idea that would make a great blog post?  Email Canvassador Kristina A. Holzweiss at lieberrian@yahoo.com to be featured on our website.



Kristina A. Holzweiss is a distinguished school librarian and educational leader. She was named the 2015 School Library Journal School Librarian of the Year and the 2023 NYLA School Librarian of the Year. Her library was recognized as the 2024 National School Library of the Year. Kristina's accolades include being one of the National School Board's "20 to Watch" Emerging Education Technology Leaders (2016-2017), a 2018 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, and a recipient of the 2015 NYSCATE Lee Bryant Outstanding Teacher Award and the Long Island Technology Summit Fred Podolski Leadership and Innovation Award.

She co-authored Hacking School Libraries and created the Demco School Library Planner.  As a keynote speaker, professor, and active social media presence (@lieberrian), Kristina shares her expertise widely. Her professional website is kristinaholzweiss.com. Kristina is also the founder of Edcamp Cardigan Camp, Edcamp AI VR AR, and Canva Librarians and Teachers, showcasing her commitment to educational innovation. Additionally, Kristina appeared as Batgirl in the "Princesses with Power Tools" calendar sponsored by Reinvented Magazine, highlighting her advocacy for STEM education and gender equality in technology.