
Where you can contact me, if you'd like!


Please allocate 3-4 days for me to respond, as my life can get quite busy unexpectedly. Trust me, I will not intentionally ignore your email or not send your side of the trade. If 3-4 days have passed and I have not responded, do send another message as I may have unintentionally missed your email.

Keep in mind that I am not doing this-for-that trading, nor am I trading with anyone without a list attached in a separate document/website in the first email. Sorry if this sounds strict, but it saves time and effort from both parties.

All of my links will be on Mega. If we are trading videos, I will ask that you upload your end to Mega if at all possible. I will accept audios from any major hosting site.

I am also available to do sales and trades using physical DVDs. Feel free to message me for more information!

And as always, please be nice! I love trading with people, so it always leaves me in a bad mood when someone is rude. We're all just people here, so being nice is always best!

Finally, here is my email:

I hope I hear from you soon!