Proceeding 3



Thanks to God Almighty for his abundance of grace so that the Proceedings Of Emergency Nursing In Respiratory Failure And Chocking can be solved well. This Proceeding is a collection of research results that are expected to contribute in improving health status in the community. Research results can be a point of reference for developing other research for the welfare of Indonesian society. This Proceeding contains research papers and is created with the aim of providing knowledge to the general public regarding the latest research and scientific developments so that it is expected to increase knowledge, communication and further motivation for the filing of Intellectual Property Rights.

We would like to thank Prof. Dr. H. Nursalam, M.Nurs (Hons) as Chairman of DPW PPNI East Java, Mr. Erwanto, Amd. Kep., S.KM., Publisher of Chakra Brahmanda Lentera Institution that has cooperated with DPK PPNI RSU. Daha Husada in publishing the proceedings that we have held. We realize that this Proceeding certainly does not escape the deficiencies, for that all suggestions and criticism we expect for the improvement of proceedings in the next issue. Finally we would like to thank all those who have assisted in this activity, and we hope that this proceeding can be useful for researchers, academics and the development of science.

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