For two days we have been waiting for the man who superintended the erection of our tent, as the poles are entirely too short, causing it to sag, and now we are punished for his neglect, as the sagging forms everywhere pockets which hold water and allow it to drip through as does the fruit-juice from a jelly bag. There are twenty-four big pockets, and innumerable smaller ones, so we rush from one to the other, raising the canvas with sticks, to hear the water drop with a thud on the ground outside. Edith and I have both grown tired of swinging in hammocks and want something more stationary, so Isaacs, with the assistance of our neighbors, cut down some trees, made them into four bedstead-legs, which they drove solidly into the ground, nailed across these side-poles, and then pieces for the head and foot. The frame being finished, a double thickness of burlap was tightly stretched across it, and this was Edith's bed, upon which her hammock and mattress were placed; a similar one was then constructed for me and finished by 11 P.M., and it was still too light for a candle. Isaac had had an unusually hard day's work, but had been unwilling to leave until he had made us thoroughly comfortable. The "boys" had divided their time between rendering him assistance and entertaining us. Mr. A---- gave us his experiences in crossing the Chilkoot Pass to which we listened intently, wondering weather we should be able to screw up our courage to the point of attempting so difficult a feat. He said that, like many another, he had quarreled with his partner and made the usual division of the tent in half, the boat in twain, and even divided the stove. All night long the rain continued, but we, tightly wrapped in blankets in our fine new beds, thought of the old song,

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