As the title says, I changed a section from Channel to Structure, but when clicking on that section in the dashboard, the layout still looks like a Channel, and I'm not able to reorder/drag the entries.

The problem I have is that I don't understand why I will have kick on Channel 1 and when I go to paint the pattern for channel 1 in the playlist and play it back, it plays the patterns from the rest of the channels as well. Channel 1 is bass drum- why in playing back the Playlist with only track 1 painted in do the other percussion tracks play along with it?

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I'm new to the go programming language.I just learned about channels from their website, and tried to createThe following program:1) I want to create 100,000 channels.2) when the first channel receives a msg (value) he adds 1 to it and pass it on to the next channel (by order).3) when we'll get to the last channel it Will print 100,001.

This is not possible at the moment unfortunately out of the box, you would have to set up a listener client to the board in question and post an alert to the respective channels yourself then for the time being.

At the same time, there is another incoming channel (ch2) which is used to notify the task that an event of interest has been detected (the detection is performed by another task, which sends notifications through the channel ch2).

One important point is that the update rate in channels ch1 and ch2 are, most of the time, quite different. Channel ch1 is fed regularly with frames at a rate of frate frames per second (typically 2 or 3 fps). In turn, channel ch2 can go hours or days with no activity at all. However, it could also happen that a detection happens for every frame, in which case channel ch2 would be updated at the same rate as channel ch1.

One more solution I thought of was to use just one channel and use a flag to signal that a detection happened. In this case, the task sending the video frames would insert flag=0 in the channel. In turn, the task sending the detection notifications would send empty frames and insert flag=1 in the channel when a detection happened. This would avoid the problem of having to read from two channels.

You could have one task per channel that always takes on its channel, when it gets something, it notifies a condition. The main task is only waiting on the condition and when the condition is notified, the main task checks both channels for messages using isready.

As you can see, since each task does for x in ch which does take!(ch) internally, the items in ch will be consumed by the task. This is mostly fine but you can lose some items if merged_channel! is closed on the reader end.

So I think the easiest solution here is to merge the information flowing in the two channels into a single structure, like a tuple, and send that down a single channel. The tuple would be like (video_frame, fire_detected). The task sending the video frames would send a video frame and an empty fire_detected value, whereas the task sending the notifications would send the fire_detected notification and an empty video_frame. I think that will do.

Slack organizes conversations into dedicated spaces called channels. When someone no longer needs to be a part of a channel, they can be removed. By default, Workspace Owners and Admins can remove people from public channels, and members can remove people from private channels.

On the Channel Details page, click the tables link available in Channel Summary pane. This will open the Tables page displaying the tables relating to the channel.

If the channel is activated, the following note will be displayed in this dialog: Note that after tables are deleted, an Activate must be performed to regenerate jobs and enroll files. Captured changes should be skipped by sending a control.

We are now dealing with a new threat of bot accounts. These accounts sit lurking in channel, possibly logging info of either streamers or chatters. They may be using this info for giveaway sniping, or possible future bot attacks, including viewer bots, follower bots, and even spam bots. They sit there and do nothing, they follow us to other streams we host/raid. We ban them, not like they ever say anything, but to prevent them from spreading, we need a way to KICK THEM OFF THE CHANNEL.

Recently had a run in with "Opentwitchbot" whom acknowledges that they are running a bot in other's channels, but never requested permission to do so, instead, they want us to run THEIR command in our channels to make them leave, which isn't possible on our bots, because our bots are not design for that command, nor is it a Twitch command. I don't know what their command is doing, and I certainly don't trust it. When confronting them on the fact that their bot is breaking ToS, they reported me for reporting them. I requested and stated to them several times, their bot is not welcomed in my channel, and they refused to remove themselves until the end of my stream, waiting for me to host someone and latch on to them, thus spreading.

We've all been noticing another set of bots possibly working together, Faegwent ThisIsMyDevAccount and chatdb, they never speak, but they have hundreds if not thousands of followers, they never broadcast, etc etc, what are they doing sitting in our chat? sending info to these followers? that's against ToS. We the broadcasters need an option to kick them from the page, doesn't have to be permanent, they might have an option to hop back on, but I think we should have some sort of captcha security so they can PROVE they are human, and not a bot when rejoining the page!

Banning doesn't do enough if they can still read the chat and gather the info. Reporting seems to do nothing for the past 2 months of reporting them, from MULTIPLE witnesses/reporters. It's about time we have some control over the unwelcome bot accounts.

The confirmed bot list is ever-growing. More and more malicious links are being spread via spam bots and lurk bots. Lurk bots have solid documentation of being in tens of thousands of channels at once. Verification requirement settings have helped stop some, but not all follow bottings and hate raids.

Just an updated reminder, Twitch just gotten an influx of 4 million+ accounts within 24hrs as of September 25th 2022, (yesterday of this post), and most likely are all bots for possible hate raids, or follow botting. I already went through an banned 209k+ known bot accounts that have been on twitch for the past 5 years alone (still active accounts as far as I know of), and that takes me 6 days to run on each channel I moderate for, ain't no one got time to go through 4 million accounts to figure out what needs banning or blocking. Twitch has never cared, they only care about money, Never been about creators or their safety or the viewers safety (if these bots are also around monitoring people's activities to gather info about them). was a great site in its day and had a lot of potential, and Twitch (specifically Amazon) has completely blown it.

So I'm the one that posted this back in May 2017... want an update on how well Twitch cares? I put together a list of all bot names from Oct 2021 to June 2022, after removing invalid names and safe bots (like Nightbot, etc, or at least all the safe bots I know) I barely managed to bring that list down To this day, there are still these bots active and I haven't started July's list yet. want to know the number? 190,058 bots are STILL active accounts on twitch... These are just the bots! They don't contribute to views, they tend to be malicious in hate raids, or they are collecting people's info. They have been linked to targeted attacks by investigating easy targets to follow and spread, these are bots that in anywhere from 50+ channels (no normal person is going to sit in 50+ channels for no reason, if they can't even contribute to Twitch's views to support streamers), all the way up to almost 76k channels at a time.

This request wasn't just about bots too! It was to also ban unwanted viewers (stalkers, harassers, people with mal-intentions, twitch streamers have been known to be stalked and threatened, especially those in minority groups, females, and other cases, twitch doesn't do ****, the police don't do ****, how would you feel if you been swatted because someone you banned was still getting info on who you were and where you are by lingering in the channel, a ban should also be a block, and it should also remove their ability of even finding that channel for protecting creators and other viewers!) I've been in moderating positions for over 15 years in different platforms and games and communities. This is absolutely atrocious and just Greed talking from Twitch's end, they don't care, if they cared, something would have been done years ago, I've been around since the years back in 2010. The pure frustration with talking to anyone on twitch staff is real, because they just don't care.

There are like 320 bots who are following my channel and have the same profile picture but different names, is there a way to quickly remove them from my channel? If there isnt please make a way to.

I was happy tosee this suggestion.. untill seeing it was from 2017. Well.. I made the same general suggestion to Twitch today over Twitter.. For 1 banning the bots and hate raiders should keep them off of the channel all together.

Yea what Zaytri said - if this has been an issue for THREE TO SIX YEARS now - why is it only NOW being addressed? I was just hateraid/botted - people are like "Why because you're not popular" - they don't care anymore, I had to sit for a half hour with my mods yesterday in the middle of my first 13 hour stream - setting subscriber only mode for a HALF HOUR OR MORE and we set follower only for a 10 minute per user and forgot to turn it off - I have 100+ pages from nightbot since i modded nightbot of the scam/hatred. Sure, the hatred didn't phase me - they managed to utterly miss what my trans pronouns were and in turn trying to insult me managed to ACCIDENTALLY validate me. I had two or more people in chat say they had to duck out for a half hour or more because the ordeal gave them an extreme panic attack. Permaban not just ON the site but prevent this stuff from happening. To think that you're only JUST NOW going "Ok ok ok i'll do better" makes me think you're no better than your parent company. Thank god for places like Commander Root's twitch bot removal tool, because without that i'd have to MANUALLY remove 4-600 bots. The original count didn't filter through because we were battling 100+ during the actual stream and waited for it to finish. LambrightWayne is one of those possibly connected - but nobody's paying attention and because it's not connected to "TWITTER" we can't get twitter involved (despite the fact the bots came after tons of us with different tags over this week). I realize that you guys said somethign this week after several articles, but it took THIS LONG? With the advent of the new tags you left 1000s of streamers vulnerable. Please PLEASE get this under control NOW. 


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