The feature, first announced in December via the Apple Books for Authors webpage, allows publishers on the Apple Books platform to opt-in to have their written books converted into a narrated audio form using AI. Samples of the voices developed specifically for the feature are available on the same webpage.

Apple Books digital narration brings together advanced speech synthesis technology with important work by teams of linguists, quality control specialists, and audio engineers to produce high-quality audiobooks from an ebook file. Apple has long been on the forefront of innovative speech technology, and has now adapted it for long-form reading, working alongside publishers, authors, and narrators.

Can You Download Audiobooks On Apple Books


Digitally narrated titles are a valuable complement to professionally narrated audiobooks, and will help bring audio to as many books and as many people as possible. Apple Books remains committed to celebrating and showcasing the magic of human narration and will continue to grow the human-narrated audiobook catalog.

Starting today, Findaway Voices is delivering your audiobooks directly to Apple Books. We're excited and proud to be offering this exciting change to our author offerings and making it easy to be part of the Apple Books audiobook catalog.

Playing audiobooks from Apple Books is not available yet in Sonos. What I can do is send in a feature request to make this available in the Sonos app. We don't have the timeline and the information yet to share with you about this but you can check our announcements here in the community or from our website.

I would appreciate Apple Books being added as I am sure many others would. 

I have a large collection of audio books on this platform and listening to these through the Sonos app would work really well.

A flowing book is ideal for books that are primarily text content. A flowing book's text can be resized by the reader, and the text reflows to various screen sizes without requiring scaling of the content. Flowing books support images, audio, video, and interactivity.

A fixed-layout book can be created for books that need a precise design or layout. A fixed-layout book supports full-bleed images, audio, video, interactivity, and read aloud features. Read aloud features allow you to sync a narrator's voice with the text in the book.

The landmarks structure identifies key component files within the book, such as the cover page, bibliography, and so on. It is created using a nav element with an epub:type value of "landmarks". Apple Books references the landmarks when generating the sample for a book. A landmarks nav is required for fixed-layout books if you do not provide a custom sample.

Landmarks can also be used to define the start page of a flowing book, which is the first page a reader will see the first time they open a book. Apple Books opens to the first landmark item that contains the epub:type value of "ibooks:reader-start-page". If that value is not specified in the landmarks navigation structure, Apple Books opens to the first spine item that contains one of the following epub:type landmarks values:

Apple Books has a large selection of fonts available through the iOS system fonts. Some languages may require a more extensive font library. If your book requires a more extensive font library, you can embed the font. See Defining Book Layout Metadata for EPUB 3 flowing and fixed-layout books.

Page breaks are supported in flowing books. if you include page breaks to mark a chapter break, use page-break-after to create a break at the end of a chapter, not page-break-before to insert the break at the beginning of the chapter. This modification improves performance with the table of contents.

Custom Class Name: If the book is not defined as following the EBPAJ guide, you can define a custom class name for which Apple Books will respect an image's dimensions. The custom class name is defined in the metadata section of the package document (.opf) file, and requires the inclusion of the ibooks prefix in the package element. For example:

Apple Books also has a very simple linking architecture that enables you to link directly to books within Apple Books. This could be used for marketing from your own website or online advertisements, or it could be used within an EPUB to direct a customer to other related titles at the end of a book. For information about linking to the store, see Link to Apple Books in the Apple Books Publisher User Guide.

Interactive content is supported for both flowing books and fixed-layout books. This section provides information and tips for creating interactivity using JavaScript. EPUBs with JavaScript interactivity require Apple Books 1.5.

Apple Books supports JavaScript similarly to Safari. In books, JavaScript allows for features like drag and drop, and touch or mouse events to initiate audio or animation. However, scripts developed for books should take into account the following best practices:

When developing interactive books, be mindful of file size and the amount of interactivity on each page. Interactivity can be a great addition to a book, but good performance must be a priority.

Books must not include databases. Apple Books does not sync the status of AJAX, HTML5 databases, or SQL, and therefore does not save this information. Do not include these resources for interactivity in your books.

By default, Apple Books recognizes gestures and clicks to cue menus, pagination, and zoom. However, in books with JavaScript interactivity, Apple Books needs to know when to ignore gestures and clicks so that the reader can interact with the interactive portions of your book without prompting Apple Books' user interface options to appear. You can disable this default behavior for the interactive element by sending the preventDefault message to the event object.

Design interactive books to work on both iOS devices and macOS. Interactivity on desktop computers use input from a mouse while interactivity on iOS devices use touch input. This means that your script must determine if it should provide a touch or mouse event as required by that platform. You can query if a platform supports mouse or touch events by using the hasFeature method defined in the EPUB 3 (epubReadingSystem object) documentation. For example, if navigator.epubReadingSystem.hasFeature('touch-events') returns true, then you should provide touch events in your JavaScript.

The Apple Books JavaScript Library (ibooks.js) is a collection of pre-written JavaScript that makes it easier to develop books with JavaScript interactivity for Apple Books. The Apple Books JS Library provides functionality to:

Sometimes, a developer wants to fire a delayed event after the content has loaded. By adding ibooks-deferred-event to an element, ibooks.js will append a CSS class active to the target element after a delay, by default this value in milliseconds is 1000. This delay can be defined on a per element basis by adding a HTML attribute data-deferred-event-delay and setting the desired value in milliseconds.

Any element with a CSS class ibooks-stampable will act as a parent container for stamp-able elements. Stamp-able elements respond to touch gestures; on touch, ibooks.js will append an empty element with the CSS class stamp to the parent container. You can then style the appended element.

ibooks.js relies on a SVG path to define a valid touch area; without a SVG path ibooks.js will not respond to touch events. It is worth noting that SVG patches are especially useful when defining irregular shaped hit areas, such as hills.

Any HTML element can be used to trigger audio by appending the CSS class ibooks-media-audio and defining a value for the HTML attribute data-ibooks-audio-src. Additionally, the audio source playhead can be reset each time the element is touched by defining data-ibooks-audio-reset-on-play. Read aloud can be paused after the media has played or is paused by setting an HTML attribute: "ibooks:pause-readaloud" to "true". See Embedding Read Aloud Controls for more information.

All books must adhere to EPUB standards. To ensure quality content, your book must pass validation at the time of import. There are a few issues commonly encountered with books that prevent them from importing into the Apple Books system. Review all books carefully to ensure that the following are addressed prior to delivery:

If a book is predominantly text, the sample is based on a percentage of the number of words (the percentage used is specified in your contract). Where the sample begins can vary depending on how the book has been structured. The words on which the percentage is calculated are counted from the beginning of the book. For flowing books, the beginning is determined by finding the first landmark where the epub:type attribute is "bodymatter". If that attribute is specified, Apple Books starts generating the sample from the publication component in the spine item referenced by the href attribute in the landmark. Then, the sample is generated either from the first item in the landmarks block, or the percentage of the words, whichever is greater. For example, if the first item in the landmarks block contains only 2% of the total word count and the percentage specified in the contract is 5%, then the remaining 3% is taken from the next item in the landmarks block. Any images, movies, or audio included in that percentage will be included in the sample.

If your book is a picture book or other fixed-layout book, you must indicate pre-paginated in the tag in the element within the OPF file. (See Defining Book Layout Metadata for instructions.) The pre-paginated option determines how the sample is generated. Without this option, the sample is generated as if the content is a text-heavy book like a novel. With this option, the sample is generated based on a percentage of the number of pages rather than word count. Apple Books determines the first page of the book (each page of a fixed-layout Book, whether a single page or a two-page spread, must be a separate XHTML file) and then generates the sample from a percentage of total page count. The sample looks to the landmarks block of the .opf to determine the start of the content of the book. For optimal samples, include epub:type="bodymatter" to indicate the beginning of the book's content. Note that a landmarks nav is required for fixed-layout books only if you do not provide a custom sample. ff782bc1db

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