Everything you need for your Gumtree courier service can be found all in one place on DeliveryApp. You can even track your Gumtree parcel from its pickup point until it reaches its destination. DeliveryApp provides complete peace of mind when it comes to ensuring that your gumtree delivery has arrived safely with its recipient.

The DeliveryApp is your reliable solution for transporting your purchased gumtree items, from the seller to your door. And ensuring customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us, all our courier drivers are fully-vetted, professional, reliable and experienced. You can rely on an efficient service.

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Gumtree scammer just contacted me at gumtree under name Grace David. Asked me to contact via email outside gumtree. (Boom clue no 1 for scam).

Then says will buy my ebike for the price stated but is based on a Oil rig off NZ west coast so wont inspect the bike :):). They ask you to get a paypal account.

The scam then goes like this they say they paid you via paypal. Which they dont:):)

They send a fake message from paypal that you have recieved $1500 but have to pay delivery costs of $600 to get the $1500 :):)

The person who comes ro pick up is also a thief so you end up losing your sale item, pay $600 to them. 

In my case i google Grave David and got warned as scam on whirlpool forums. I then emailed to scammer to fk off and police is tracking him down. The reply was an angry youth on other side of computer swearing back at me. Someone indicated on another forum about scams say its a kenyan living in footscray melbourne. I dont have proof of who it is but the angry emails i got back from scammer did sound like youth who may be new to the country. But just be wary of scams like these it can be any one doing it as these are tough times. 2351a5e196

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