Privacy Policy 

We respect your privacy and pay great attention to the protection of your personal data. Please carefully read our Privacy Policy before using our products or services. 


Thank you for choosing to use our products and services. Using our products means you accept and agree to our privacy policy and is applicable to you.

Change in Policy

We have been constantly updating and improving Our Privacy Policy, and with the extension of the scope of our products and services, we may change or update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Please review our Privacy Policy regularly to know about it in its update version. Your continued use of our products will be understood as you fully accept the updated privacy policy.

If you disagree with the revised privacy policy, please cease using our products and services.

Use and collection of personal information

Purpose of information gathering:

We gather minimal information only to deliver, support services and enhance your experience of using our products and services, to ensure legal compliance and protection of privacy. 

Third party involvement

Our products and services may support third-party facility and we may switch when necessary third-party service supplier. You hereby understand and agree that if you use third-party service via our products and services, protection of your personal details will be subject to the third-party’s Privacy Policy.

 If requested by law or by court order, THE SERVICE PROVIDER may provide the Personal Data to the legal authorities.

Information security:

We consider data security very seriously and our system is compliant with the latest web security standards. We take various measures and security technologies for protection of the information and data stored. Explicit technical measures will be adjusted from time to time with the technical expansion.

Measures to save personal information:

Please report us in a timely means, if your personal information has been or may be leaked. We will use our best efforts to take reasonable measures to offer support.

 ·  Severability:

Our Privacy Policy applies to all the products and services we provide. It does not apply to services offered by other companies or individuals that may include our technology.


·  Cookies:

We may access certain Cookies on your computer to improve your experience of using our website or services.


Last Updated: 11 September 2023