Get Involved

Whether you are a former Girl Scout, Boy Scout, or new to scouting all around, there are tons of ways to become involved with Campus Girl Scouts at The Ohio State University. This page offers information on how to join, meeting dates and location(s), and opportunities to become involved in various volunteer initatives and projects through our club.

Meeting Information

Membership is open to students currently attending The Ohio State University. General body meetings are held on every other Thursday from 5:00-6:00pm*. Executive board meetings are held on alternating weeks at the same time and are open to general body attendance.

*Please check the calendar or reach out for meeting location

General Body Membership

Sign-up to recieve updates on club events, meetings, and more!

Executive Board Application

Are you interested in becoming more involved with Campus Girl Scouts? Apply for an executive board position or learn more about our positions below!

Not a student at The Ohio State University? No worries!

Click the link below to see a list of college and universities with Campus Girl Scout clubs.