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Our Mission Statement:


We build a space which is safe, healthy and affirming with an openness to God, to encourage people to develop a sense of security and Christian community.

Our camp brings youth of varying ages, backgrounds, languages and cultures together for one amazing, fun-filled week.

 Whether our primary language is French or English, whether we come from the North, South, East or West of Quebec,  or whether we are brand new to the camp experience, we all reflect the same spirit and speak the same language of love and respect.  

In our camp, we focus on faith formation through song and drama and through living out our call to BE the church. For many campers that may not regularly attend church, this is a great opportunity for them to have a good positive faithful experience, maybe for the only time of the year, or perhaps for the first time.  We create a safe environment where kids can explore faith and ask wondering questions without fear or judgement.

Camp is a time and place to come together to celebrate Creator's presence and to live in nature acknowledging that all creatures and our earthly home are to be respected and celebrated. We work together for the common good of our neighbour in the next bunk, cabin or tent, and to use our time at camp to learn about each other. 

Our goal is to make connections at camp that run deeper than colour, creed, orientation, culture and faith.


We are United Church Sleepaway Summer Camp for boys and girls aged 8 to 16.  

Located in the Eastern Townships, we host approximately 70-80 campers for one full week of fun!


Ages 8-10 (as of Sept 30 of this year)

Juniors sleep in cabins on the main camp grounds. Cabins may range from 6-10 beds, with one or two counsellors per cabin. Juniors get waterfront time daily which includes swimming and canoeing on the pond. They also participate in  activities that they personally can select based on their own interests. 


Ages 11-12 (as of Sept 30 of this year)

Intermediates also sleep in cabins on the main camp grounds in groups of 6-8, with one or two counsellors per cabin. Intermediates also spend time in varying activities and at waterfront daily.  The intermediates that are 12 years old and would be transitioning to senior camp the following year will have an opportunity to go to senior camp for a campfire one evening to get oriented with the Senior camp experience. 


Ages 13-15 (as of Sept 30 of this year)

Seniors sleep in large tents in a wooded area a little ways away from main camp. Campers help their counsellors with breakfast preparations, participate in their own activities, but join the rest of camp for evening meals, wide game, campfire, morning watch and vespers. Senior campers have the opportunity to self-lead and build a unique community within the greater camp. 

Leadership Training

Ages 15-16 (as of Sept 30 of this year)

Leadership Training campers (LTs) participate in all aspects of camp life, but also have their own programming which focuses on building leadership skills, personal development and providing an basic orientation to becoming a counsellor (if that is something they might want to do). LTs have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership by planning and leading a camp wide game throughout the week and supporting the counsellors at bedtime one evening. 

Camp Committee 2024:

 Chair:  Amanda Rocheleau

 Members:  Georgia Barratt-Lamay, Shanna Bernier, Jenn Carroll,  Aleta McEwen, Hal Mellish, Ben Ryan, Kai Dobbertin, Emmalie Filion, Shanna Warnock, Dennis Wyche, Heather Wyche, Joëlle Leduc, Virginia Wallace, Max Kowalski and Denis Ashby

Camp Co-Directors: Georgia Barratt-Lamay and Amanda  Rocheleau

Camp Chaplain: Joëlle Leduc

If you are interested in joining our committee, either as a voting member, corresponding member, or member at large, please send an email to campunitedspirit@gmail.com

Have any questions?  Contact us by email campunitedspirit@gmail.com