Salt Painting/Popsicle


Materials for Salt painting:paper, liquid glue, paint- water colors or add water to acrylic paint
Directions:Get a desigm in mind, draw or trace it with glue, sprinkle with salt, let it dry and then paint!

Materials for Pudding Popsicles: food dye ( you can get this at any grocery store in the baking section and even some dollar stores like Dollar General)
Directions: Click the link to the tutorial- You will make the pudding, add the colors in layers and then freeze! Enjoy and Praise God for his promises! He is a faithful God!
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Check out my kids! Emma (8) loved to help make these and Micah (11) enjoyed eating them.I used all 6 colors of the rainbow but I ran out of pudding quickly. One box of 5.1 oz. used 3 cups of milk and made 6 popsicles. Next time, I'd double it to have extras to share with neighbors.

I used this rainbow idea to remind us that God is always faithful even through the darkest storm. Have faith like Noah!

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