(I have long-term ambitions to do a version of "Castaways" in BoS - slavishly copying the briefings and mission designs from the original campaign... With a little imagination, it might be possible... The player and the legendary Randy stuck behind enemy lines somewhere near V. Luki, perhaps...)

Thank you, Samson! I am not sure, if this expansion pack was available in Germany, as I have no memory of this cover art. Anyway. Meanwhile, between the last two posts, I have played the first two missons of your campaign and I have to say - great! Very immersive! Good storytelling, Not too easy, not too difficult. And the music after landing... very cool and authentic!!! I hope you continue with creating such scripted campaigns! (One last word: I really liked you skins in the old IL2 days ;-)

Campaign Download Cold War

Download File 🔥 https://shurll.com/2yGbOL 🔥

Samson, thank you so much for all your hard work, I'm really looking forward to having a go at this . What a great community of enthusiasts, To you, and all the "Skinners", my thanks for adding to a great "Sim".

Edit: I just downloaded the campaign and opened the files to have a look. One of the things that made the original campaign so enjoyable was the well written briefings. I noticed the ones that come with this campaign seem to have been created with some sort of translation program and are quite strange in English. Would you find it useful to have the original eng briefing files or be interested in allowing a native English speaker to alter them for you?

In my second mission "At Mojaisk" , after flying a few minutes, my framerate suddenly drops, from 90 to 35. The game begins to stutter, and enventually it chrashes to desktop. What might be the problem?

I had this problem too....took me a while to figure out how to get around it...not sure what is causing this but what I did was after taking off and the last wing man is in the air I immediately turn back towards the airfield and fly the return route to the action point...avoiding all way points. and staying far away form the area where the game crashed....for me it was always the same area...about half way between the first and second way point....But by doing it this way I was able to complete the mission.......after several tries of course..... .....not a solution but a workaround....how it helps.

Yes for me it goes form mid 50;s to mid 20;s then to the teens and crashes..granted I do not have the best rig but outside of that area on the second mission I have had no problems with the other missions....other than dying a lot....

Sorry for that. Though, if one day a thought flies into your head to give this campaign another chance, it's good to know that due to report at russian forum (yeah, the same) I've localized more or less the problem and "cut off" possible bugmaker. Further tests to be done.

Link at first post refreshed.

On a side note that missions in the campaign are broken and win for the most part is unachievable (as most triggers are illogical and broken), the SU-25 is used as a "kamikaze dive bomber" (like it was misused in Angolan war, except the kamikaze part), the resources in the mission are not used to their full extent (map is filled with useless flights and assets that amount to nothing) and the fact that it takes a painfully long amount of time to fly to the mission frontline just to be destroyed by ridiculous amounts of AA, the cold war "warrior" campaign is the only one currently available for SU-25A.

Seeing as the aircraft has a long history of military service, it would be nice to have an actually flyable campaign for it. ED made several for A-10s and KA-50s, whilst most other flyable aircraft that were around for ages are just "sitting in the hangars", even the FC3 ones. The campaigns are 2004-ish, with little to no changes. I remember some of them from Lock-On, way back.

I've finished about half of the campaign (before DCS broke my save file...) and I've had no trouble with the triggers or missions not completing. The triggers are in fact pretty liberal - no need to completely wreck the target group. As long as I bloodied them a bit, it was mission accomplished.

Besides adding to the immersion and realism of - again - a total war scenario, those unit serve an important purpose. They force you to actually do some thinking and planning before you take off. Otherwise you're going to shoot at something you're not supposed to shoot at, or blunder over a Gepard.

When I get my hydraulics busted by one of the Gepard's 35mm, I can't make it far enough to land at Sochi, so I end up in Krasnodar or similar place "over the hump". I finish the mission - but there is no success. Another time I am flying after tearing a column up with NAR and quit half way through as my plane is struggling with two flaming engines, thinking I need to restart, but the game progresses.

Like it's meant to be used - a troop support choice, not a frontline bomber like Tu-22M3 is. That's their job. Remeber 08-08-08? Did you see Su-25s Charge over the border and wild-weasel the enemy? What about Afghanistan? Chechnya? The only time it was used like this is against Angola when they tried to drop FABs from 5000 meters to hit the 32nd in the bush and then quickly turned and ran - whether they hit the target or not.

Whilst I myself am being a little hypocritical here as I add a lot of "background noise" to my missions to bring immersion, here it feels very poorly done with some units having 20 or more waypoints (cluttering up the comms with acknowledgements), the unit types aren't used in the right way as they fly too low for an interceptor and get mixed up with the ground attack flights, the numbers of units in flights do not correspond to what realistically would happen. You see four MiGs in several "Hunter" groups, but PVO never flew in anything more than a pair (even in total war scenario as that is unnecessary and creates more problems for the unit due to complexity). I would think that in a total war, an ongoing battle would be more realistic - specific packages flying to and from the battlefield, destroying the AA before the arrival of the Ground Attack planes. Not a "glorious charge" across the frontline, this is not the Russian way despite the stereotypes.

Sure, yeah. You've got Beslan and Mineralniye Vody. You've got plenty of places there. Why not, just out of design logic, put the advancing units a little further into the map? Not towards it's edge where scenery starts to disappear. Besides in Chechnya Su-25s operated quite close to the combat zone (not that Chechens had much of an artillery).

This is what I do all the time (it's not the first year I'm flying sims you know, and I'm not bad at them seeing as how I was in an IL-2 clan so I know about these things), but, like I've said earlier - this isn't what Su-25A is designed for. It feels wrong to use it in this way. The mission design is just one big "charge" with no forethought and no afterthought. It is one of the worst campaigns that I've ever played in any game, let alone sims. This isn't supposed to be a WW2 movie, it isn't supposed to be Stalingrad through the prism of Hollywood. And if the designer goes for showmanship - it fails too. It goes into the uncanny valley of too realistic to be a light-hearted arcadey type mission and too wacky to be taken seriously by anyone with at least basic knowledge of how Airforce assets are used IRL.

Offtopic: I'm going to diverge here and speak purely from the perspective of the campaign premise itself. I know the person had the aim of making a playable campaign for a 1980's plane on a Caucasus map, so naturally - WW3. However, the NATO would have been nuked before anything this radical would have happened (a limited amount of tactical nukes would have been used, by either side, something along the lines of 5-10 kiloton). They (Mbot, was it?) could have just gone the easier way and create something along the lines of "on-going local conflict, civil war in Georgia after it's 1986s revolution and separation from USSR, as it gets help from NATO". That would have been more believable and easier. There could have been sea-combat, with US carriers in the Black Sea (offshore from the immediate combat zone, like they were located in Korean/Vietnam war). That way you don't have to use the edge of the map, you can build up the difficulty gradually as "Georgian rebels receive better western equipment as the war progresses" and the scenario itself would be fairly belivable rather than "NATO makes it to Krasnodar without Berlin being a giant irradiated hole".

First off, I wanted to make it clear that my advice to do your planning before each mission etc. wasn't aimed to offend or devalue your skills and experience. I was genuinely hoping it might be helpful as I didn't know what your flight sim "career" was.

I checked and there is not a single mission in the entire campaign where it's your job to conduct SEAD. Most of the missions are of battlefield air interdiction type (deep air support, tactical air interdiction, call it what you will), that is destroying enemy ground assets near the front line, but not in direct contact with friendly forces. You get two CAS missions, one strike against a field command post and one strike on a bridge. All of the missions are tactical in nature and I fail to see how are they unsuited for the Su-25. 152ee80cbc

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