Information for presenters

Long Talks

Long talks will be 25 minutes long, including at least 5 minutes of Q&A. This means the talk itself can last up to 20 minutes, but a speaker is free to give a shorter talk and leave more time for Q&A (e.g., 15 minute talk + 10 minutes Q&A).


Flash talk sessions will replace poster sessions, and will consist of a 6 minute talk + 3 minute Q&A. In order to respect everybody’s time, we will enforce strict time limits, so we highly encourage speakers to practice and time their flash talk in advance. Speakers are encouraged to use slides.

Following the flash talk session (with its formal Q&A), we will have a long “chat session” that is more similar to a poster session, where CAMP attendees will be able to converse with presenters. To facilitate conversation, please prepare a summary slide of your flash talk and email it to us by January 26th. Several copies of the slide will be printed out and made available during the chat session. Please note that this slide does not need to be a full “poster”; its goal is merely to sum up the gist of the project using a few sentences and/or figures.