
Information for Presenters

Talks should follow a 20:10 min :: presentation:Q&A format.

  • We suggest you time your talks to 18 minutes to maximize the discussion period.
  • You can use your own laptop; or supply your slides to us in any common format (Keynote, PDF, Google Slides, Powerpoint).
  • If you wish to use your own laptop, it must have an HDMI out port.

Posters can be in any format that is useful for you (e.g., a full "CUNY-sized" poster, or a smaller or more creative format).

  • We will provide flexible spaces on the bulletin boards and walls in our department & labs for you to affix your poster.
  • You can set up your poster during the first coffee break or at the start of lunch. Local UCSC folks will be available to help.
  • Out of consideration for presenters' lunch, we won't start the poster presentations 'til 1:00pm. We also ask presenters to stagger their presentations, with odd-numbered presenters at their posters from 1-2pm and even-numbered presenters at their posters from 2-3pm. We hope this will optimize flow and allow everyone time to visit all the posters.