CAMP 2019


CAMP 3 took place October 26-27, 2019.

Schedule of presentations. Photos from the meeting.

(Some) abstracts and presentation materials here, at the OSF Meeting page.

A Huge Thanks to the CAMP3 Undergraduate Volunteers!

Ashley Chun, Norah Cracraft, Ryan Farzad, Sikander Haider, Ashley Ippolito, Karen Lowe, Diana Martinez, Claire Miller, Noah Mott, Katherine Peeler, Yibai Tian, Miguel Toner, Michael Ward, Sierra Waters, Tong Yoo


CAMP is the California Meeting on Psycholinguistics, an informal workshop to promote psycholinguistics research in California. Invited research areas include, but are not limited to:

    • Adult and child language processing
    • Language comprehension
    • Language planning and production
    • Developmental psycholinguistics
    • Computational psycholinguistics
    • Neurolinguistics
    • Experimental syntax and semantics

All are welcome to submit, but research by students and post-docs is prioritized. The two-day workshop is free, but participants must register in advance.


Please direct any questions to this email address or contact one of the local organizing chairs, Amanda Rysling and Matt Wagers.

CAMP3 Local Committee

Vishal Arvindam, Lalitha Balachandran, Adrian Brasoveanu, Yaqing Cao, Jack Duff, Morwenna Hoeks, Jed Pizarro-Guevara, Stephanie Rich, Tom Roberts, Amanda Rysling, Kelsey Sasaki, Nick Van Handel, Jake Vincent, Matt Wagers

Past and Future CAMPs

CAMP is organized by Jesse Harris (UCLA) & Elsi Kaiser (USC). If you are interested in hosting in future years, please contact the organizers. We are compiling resources to share and reuse so that the hosting process will be as streamlined as possible.

  • CAMP 2018 was held on December 1-2, 2018 at USC.
  • CAMP 2017 was held on December 2-3, 2017 at UCLA.