Camp ACEP 2021

Welcome back to another year at Camp ACEP!

As the only camp doctor, you are responsible for caring for any and all ailments for both our campers and staff. We have several events planned for the campers today and given how rambunctious our kids are, I'm sure they will keep you busy! Make sure to roam around the campgrounds and check (click) around to see if any campers need your help.

After a long day working at the camp, you will be ready to go home. However, your replacement won't be able to find reception to locate the campsite unless you successfully solve and open all of the locks at bottom of the page.


-Click the images below to access the links. Some links are games, others are information sources

-Complete the games and challenges

-Use the games to solve the puzzles at the bottom of the page. The page will tell you if the answer is incorrect. (Hint: read them now and then explore the camp)

This escape room was brought to you by the EMRA Pediatrics, Sports Medicine, and Wellness committees.

Good luck and have fun!

Escape Room Image 1
Escape Room Image 2