Other publications, Media, Art

A selection of non-academic papers, press articles, videos of interviews and academic seminars, pieces of literature and of music, with some in English and other languages.

Press articles

Non-academic papers


Metal Opera - French Power and Symphonic Metal Band

Led by Adrien "Gzagg" Gouzy (sing, composition), with Jeff Kanji (sing), Lucas Martinez (guitars), Léo Mouchonay (drums), and myself (bass)

Two Albums:

Theater of Sorcery (2021, Rockshots Records)

The Legend of the Storyteller (2023, Rockshots Records)

European Tour in Spring 2023 with legendary band Rhapsody of Fire and Symphonity

Videoclips on Youtube

*The painting is "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" by Pieter Brueghel the Elder (circa 1558). Here is an ekphrastic poem of William Carlos Williams about it.