Camille Souffron
Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS-PSL), Paris
I am an French economist (MSc.), an economics student (a normalien) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Paris, and a graduate student at the Paris School of Economics. I am also a Lecturer of environmental economics at the ENS and in several universities and Grandes Ecoles, and a Research Fellow (on leave) at the Environmental Justice Program of Georgetown University, an interdisciplinary laboratory working with governments, companies and communities (in the global South and North) to build models of the interplay between the economy, natural resources and climate, to reduce financial risks and plan for the ecological transition.
Having a MSc. in Economics (EPOG, Université Paris-Cité) and an interdisciplinary training, my research focuses on dynamic non-linear and out-of-equilibrium economic modeling in collaboration mainly with economist and mathematician Prof. Gaël Giraud sj (Senior Scholar CNRS, ex-Chief Econ of the AFD) with the objective of integrating emergence, complexity and multisectoriality in macroeconomic models, notably for the ecological transition and in dialogue with traditional economic models.
Another part of my work deals with building damage functions, the epistemology of Neo-liberalism and bounded rationality (especially in development economics), and more broadly with the epistemology of general equilibrium theory and the history of its thought under a critical, peirastic prism. Also in training to become a Lawyer, I am interested in law and public policy, including proposals to cancel public debts on central banks’ balance sheets.
Last but not least, I am also a musician, in the band Avaland.
Fields: Dynamic and non-linear Macroeconomics, Ecological Econ. and Damage Functions, Epistemology, Neo-liberalism, Bounded rationality, History of Econ. Thought, Theology.
CV [in English] [en Français]
Les francophones pourront trouver des articles de recherche en français destinés à un public plus large ainsi que des articles de presse et interviews sur cette page.
Current positions:
Research Fellow, Environmental Justice Program, Georgetown University (since 2022, on leave).
Lecturer of "Finance, Money and the Ecological Shift", Master Erasmus Mundus EPOG+, Sorbonne Université (since 2023).
Lecturer of Environmental Economics, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris Sciences & Letters Research University (ENS-PSL, since 2022).
Lecturer of Economics, Bachelor ACT (Apprendre à Conduire les Transitions), ESSEC & CY Université (since 2023).
Co-editor, Regards Croisés sur l'Economie - RCE (since 2022).
Normalien & Graduate Student, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS-PSL, since 2021) & Paris School of Economics (PSE, since 2023).
Contact information:
Ecole Normale Supérieure - PSL (Campus Jourdan)
48 boulevard Jourdan,
Paris 75014, FRANCE
Languages : English, French, Spanish, (and a few words of Malagasy).
Twitter: @CamilleSouffron
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any collaboration, including interdisciplinary ones!
*The artwork has been created for the GU Environmental Justice Program by Alisa Singer, who designed (among other things) several covers of IPCC reports. It reprensents the compilation of two data visualizations showing that countries which are the biggest GHG emitters are generally not the ones the most affected.