12/23: Guest speaker: "Global currency quake - the end of dollar dominance?", European Commission International Partnerships InfoPoint Conference.

10/23: Aglietta, M., Macaire, C. (2023), What New Era for China? The Challenges of Domestic Prosperity and International Assertiveness. CEPII Policy Brief n°2023-43.

05/23: Cabrillac, B., Macaire, C. (2023), Can China turn the climate transition challenge into an opportunity?. Banque de France Bulletin No. 246, Article 3.

04/23: Guest speaker: "Fintechs, the digitalization of financial services and central bank digital currencies", ESSEC Professional Talks, Asia-Pacific Campus.

08/23: "Monnaie commune des Brics : la fin du roi dollar ?", Interview, Le Point (23/08/2023).

06/23: Guest speaker: "Trends in international reserves", World Bank internal Treasury/Pension Learning event.

12/22: "China must radically transition away from the development path it took in the past", Tribune, Le Monde (09/12/2022).

12/22: Alraqeb, Z., Knaack, P., Macaire, C. (2022), Does FinTech Promote Entrepreneurship? Evidence from China,. Banque de France Working Paper No. 895.

11/21: Guest speaker: "Chine : vers un ralentissement durable ?", CEPII Webinar, with F. Chimits (MERICS)

07/22: Eichengreen B., Macaire C., Monnet E., Naef A. (2022), Is Capital Account Convertibility Required for the Renminbi to Acquire Reserve Currency Status? . CEPR Press Discussion Paper No. 17498. 

04/22: Aglietta M., Bai G., Macaire C. (2022), La Course à la suprématie monétaire mondiale. Odile Jacob. 

01-02/22: Teaching assignment: Dollar, Euro, Yuan : comprendre les monnaies, Master's Degree, IRIS Sup Paris

11/21: Guest speaker: "La Chine et les Etats-Unis, l'inévitable affrontement?", Les Journées de l'Economie (Jéco)

05/21: Aglietta M., Bai G., Macaire C. (2021), "The 14th Five-year Plan in the New Era of China's Reform", CEPII Policy Brief, n°36

05/21: Macaire C., Naef A. (2021), "Greening Monetary Policy: Evidence from the PBoC", Climate Policy, 1-12. 

05/21: Guest speaker: "Greening Monetary Policy: Evidence from the PBoC", E-axes Forum on Climate Change, Macroeconomics and Finance

04/21: Guest speaker: "L’économie chinoise au-delà de la pandémie", CEPII Webinar, with F. Chimits (MERICS)

09/20: Macaire C. (2020), Le développement financier chinois : des précautions d’hier aux dangers d’aujourd’huiEconomie Mondiale 2021, CEPII Press

06/20: Guest speaker: "Chine : les conséquences économiques de la pandémie", CEPII Webinar, with M-.F. Renard (CERDI)

11/19: Aglietta M., Macaire C. (2019), "De la devise clé au multilatéralisme : quel rôle pour la Chine dans le Système Monétaire International ?", La Lettre du CEPII, n°404

10/19:  Cubizol D., Macaire C., Renard M.-F. (2019) Le commerce franco-chinois : leçons du passé et perspectives d’avenir”, Monde Chinois, 2019/3 n°59

06/19: Aglietta M., Macaire C. (2019), "Setting the Stage to RMB Internationalization: Liberalizing the Capital Account and Strengthening the Domestic Bond Market", CEPII Policy Brief, n°28

06/19: Guest speaker: “La réforme des marchés financiers chinois, dans la perspective de l'internationalisation du RMB”, Banque de France Research Seminar

05/19: Guest speaker: “Currency Internationalization with Chinese Characteristics”, Fudan University Seminar, School of Economics (Shanghai)

05/19: "2018 Blue Book of the Digital Belt and Road", Research Center of the China Research Institute of Fudan University 

06/18: “BATX : les dragons numériques chinois peuvent-ils concurrencer les GAFA ?”, Diplomatie Magazine, Les Grands Dossiers n°45 

10/17: Guest speaker: “CNY-CNH Price Differential: Measuring the Monetary Policy Challenges in China” , 11th International Conference on the Chinese Economy, CERDI & Fudan University (Clermont-Ferrand)

10/17: Guest speaker: “Opening up of China’s financial markets: Impact of the latest reforms”, Workshop, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences & Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Shanghai)