Interdisciplinary Workshop on Analysis of TV content

2024, February 29th - March 1st - National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo

9:45 - 18:00

In the context of ERC Demoserie european project, the ERC Demoserie team and the Japanese French Laboratory of Informatics organize an interdisciplinary workshop on TV content analysis bringing together researchers in social science and researchers in computer science.

Workshop is open to the public upon prior registration

Detailed program

February 29th

9:45 : Opening  -  Pr. Philippe Codognet, Japanese French Laboratory for Informatics, The University of Tokyo

Session 1. TV series and AI (chair: Sandra Laugier)

Lunch break

Session 2. Multimodal analysis of multimedia documents (chair: Camille Guinaudeau)

Coffee break

Session 3. Multimodal analysis of multimedia documents (chair: Philippe Codognet)

March 1st 

9:30 : Opening  -  Pr. Sandra Laugier, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Lunch break


The workshop will take place in Room 1810, 18th floor, at the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan

Organizing committee