Works for Purchase

“the Weight of the Light” 2021

30”x40” acrylic on canvas

It concerns me that the Jesus movement, evangelicalism, white supremacy, zealous groups linked to hate and racism, worship this God who sacrificed his blood and gave the gospel to save the poor and meek. They have abandoned their god. I paint this as a former Catholic who deeply believes in the stuff in Matthew 23-25. Who gazed upon the face of Mary and believed deeply until I was told I was going to Hell for being queer over and over. I know God doesn't make mistakes, so that's just poppycock. I was raised to do good but I heard over and over “where you there/when they nailed him to the cross...took him from the cross...laid him in the tomb?” I don’t think these christians know him any more, it makes me sad. I think God is the universe and Christ is the universality. I think we are all one entity, a single organism, a great plasma swirling and made of starstuffs

and it's florescent.

“He Stopped Breathing after January 6th"  2021

Again, You call yourself Christians. Fuck the Proud Boys, Fuck Trump. January 6th was a criminal atrocity and sickening. I was completely traumatized by it, but not surprised. Sadly. The nails are nails, the blood is and the cloth is from masks I made while 45 let hundreds of thousands of people die, Jesus hand is made of basic verses a person should grasp should one call oneself a christian. Yes, essentially the same painting as “the Weight of the Light”. I think I’m still working it out. I'm with the mourners and the marchers for peace.

"Who?! ME!?" 2020

A self portrait from a b&w photo of me taken by Efrain Gonzales famed fetish and nightlife tog circa 1999. If pvc patent leather was a club, it would be MoTheR. Way down in the Meatpacking district, way back in the 90s, a 22 year old me made bank, selling cigs to weirdos in the club scene. This event was called the Bettie Ball at MoTheR. Produced by ChiChi Valenti and Jonny Dynell and Jackie60. It was amazing. I was amazing.
“Headshot”2020Acrylic on canvas

"Headshot" 2020

When I was freshly 21 I moved to NYC to ply my hand at acting. I think it was a rouse. I think I was fooling myself. I didn’t enjoy any of the business of acting, but I love the craft. The atmosphere of seamy sexism drove me to working in the club scene because I preferred using my sexuality overtly. Being sexy on purpose is freeing for me. A creative outlet. I walked with cash every night I decided to work. But this was the week I landed all shiny. I spent $300 on headshots through contacts from school. I still have 150 of them, easily. It was a good picture. I am photogenic. I can act but I resist to this day. If you’d told this girl she wouldn’t “make it” but that she would be happier for not making it, she would have said Oh thank God.
“The Long Shadow”2021 acrylic collage on canvas
“The Long Shadow” 2021 
I never met Big Mama. She was my Pop-Pop’s mother and mother to 18. Stories about this lot filled my baby years and I never met any of them, that I know of. I am very close to one of our second cousins but the rest are names in my family tree. In that list are doctors, lawyers, nurses, soldiers, midwives...I feel I grew from them, I recall them, somehow reconcile.
"Madonna Frescoe 30"x40" acrylic on plaster

"She's a Rainbow" 2021 CBA SOLD!!

"Untitled Soul 2021" SOLD!

"Puckersnail" 2021

SOLD! "she finna gonna do her hair do'" a pair of galaxies captured by the Hubble telescope colliding. ARP-247 24"x48"

A Shiva.

"The Nursery" V383 Monoceritus nebula  SOLD!