Welcome to my teaching page!

Translating my training and perspective to instruct ambitious, social justice-oriented students represents one of my most significant professional privileges. In my current role, I lead coursework concentrated on content areas in P-12 educational inequality and on building student capacities with social science research methods, both focused on growing students’ abilities to engage academically and professionally on issues of educational equity. Through a range of instructional responsibilities, pedagogy-focused professional development, and countless interactions with an ever-diversifying set of students, my teaching and mentorship abilities have evolved to effectively engage with evolving student perspectives, experiences I value immensely and look forward to expanding. 

Currently, I'm developing a seminar tentatively titled, Contemporary Issues in the Teaching Profession: Research, Practice, Policy, and Advocacy, as I seek to further connect student coursework experiences and classroom debate to urgent, contemporary issues in teacher and instructional policy in education. Any and all suggestions for course content and focus (and guest visits!) would be appreciated greatly!

Social Science Research Methods: Training & Application

Applied Research and Reporting: Generating Evidence to Inform Educational Practice (akin to a doctoral lab course)

General Research Methods for Education (graduate student training)

Inferential Statistics in Education (graduate student training)

Doctoral Proseminar on Education Research (doctoral seminar)

Content-focused Courses: Educational & Social Inequality

Equity and Economics in Education: Inequality in American Schools (undergraduate seminar)

Economics of Education (doctoral seminar)

Prior Experience

As a doctoral student at Penn, I taught and assisted (TA'd) a number of courses both in the Graduate School of Education and in the Urban Studies department of the School of Arts and Sciences:


Teaching Assistant

Two of my early pupils, my nieces Parker and Peyton.