
for about 2-3 weeks now, the mobile phone camera in the zoom app of one of my clients has been displayed in a kind of wide-angle setting with a narrower image width, which makes working together very difficult. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find out what this new setting could be caused by. He continues to use the same mobile phone and has not updated the Zoom app either. There are also no options on the mobile app to change the camera.

Hi all,

I have a ThreeJS scene that uses OrbitControls.js to move and zoom a PerspectiveCamera around a target.

I would like to save the camera zoom (or/and fov) values of my application to a local file to be loaded later, but it seems that OrbitControls.js zoom method is based on changing the camera position instead of using camera.zoom or camera.fov properties (these remain unchanged).

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You could override your own setFOV method to use a private _zoom property, so that every time you set fov to something, it considers the zoom but i think this would be a pretty bad pattern, when you can probably already do something like

Let's say I'm using 2 laptops and one using 2 cameras, and 1 computer with the third camera. Both laptops are connected to the same host account. One computer is presenting and broadcasting with video image of the presenter as panelist or co-host. The other computer has the other 2 cameras connected to it.

Once you decide to add the third camera, that is where it would get tricky, and you would need to use a software called OBS or another production quality software on the market. OBS is the most popular that I am aware of, but if you go to Zoom's YouTube page, , and search for three cameras in a Zoom Webinar, I have seen many instructional videos that will assist you in accomplishing this function.

While using teams during a call the other day (Android teams app -> Desktop App) the user on the other end was zoomed in (I basically could see his forehead in detail). He reported that on his screen the image displayed was the full camera view.

I tested this out on another call - I made the call from my iOS teams app to someone on a desktop app and they noticed the same issue. I could see what the camera was seeing in corner - and it was fine. But on their screen I was zoomed in to the upper portion of my camera. There is no obvious settings that change this that I can see. Unsure what is causing it either. Any ideas out there?

For what it's worth, I recently figured out that turning your phone horizontal fixes this issue. The landscape version shows a more true-to-life picture than the crazy zoom of portrait mode. Would still like to have control over the vertical video, but landscape worked great!

@Russell Moir We are seeing this same issue with all of our phones using the Teams mobile app. It appears to be zooming in FAR too much. In comparison, the regular camera on the phone (ours are iPhones) do not exhibit this issue.

Just want to point out that I am experiencing this issue as well in Teams meetings with folks who are joining on their android phones. I can 'pinch' them into proper zoom when I'm conferencing on my ipad, but within seconds usually Teams snaps them back to ultra zoom closeup!

I started using Babylon.js 2 days ago and already in love with it. I wish to keep learning new things here.

I am currently creating an ArcRotateCamera() and I am able to rotate around along with zoom with mouse wheel. However I am not able to give a maximum limit for the zoom in/out functions separately. Is there a function to do this?

Unfortunately just by adding 50 it does not load. Since it is Vector3, I have to do something else?

Since I am also giving camera.setTarget(BABYLON.Vector3.Zero());, how do I change it to a numbered distance?

Post zoom's can be smoother, but the only way to really make them work is if you have really good glass AND a very high resolution source like an 8k or 12k camera in a 4k timeline. You can zoom in around 150% without too much degradation. If you want to zoom more, you'll have to do it on set.

I think it's a pretty subjective choice what you can get away with if that's what you're wondering. If you're looking for tell-tell signs, smoothness, increasing grain size, and for me the depth of field not feeling shallower (or bokeh not being bigger perhaps is a more accurate way of putting this technically) is another sign on a long enough zoom.

I'm using a Windows (Win11) laptop with a builtin camera in video conferences (Google Meet, Zoom, ...). In front of my laptop there is a keyboard and my distance to the camera lens is about 60cm (23 inch).

I tried zoom's background blur feature but this is app specific. It would be better to have this as a builtin features of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Or did I miss something and it's already available?

For more advanced settings I found this link helpful. Allows you to adjust zoom, pan and tilt settings if the device supports it. -tips/access-advanced-settings-for-the-integrated-webcam-on-windows-10/

setup works with several cameras, just make sure you have the correct one assigned to current Camera. The Zoom inputs are mapped to actions that use MouseWheel and the factors are 1.1 for zoom out and 0.9 for zoom in.

My 12 Pro Max camera will NOT focus when I zoom in. I can zoom in to a point (not very far) then it just snaps to a blurr. And sometimes it gets very jumpy after zooming (glitchy jumpy screen). Total crap can't even take a zoom shot ever.

Thank you for reaching out in Apple Support Communities. There are additional steps available that may help. Please follow the section in this article that says, "If the camera isn't working": If the camera or flash on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch isn't working - Apple Support

I'm having a strange problem when using a wacom tablet with maya. When I use either ALT+RMB or the zoom wheel the view seems to randomly jump a large distance away in the scene. On the help tips bar I notice that when this issue occurs the message it reads is " Distance: ******.*** " as opposed to a numerical value that goes up or down depending on which direction I zoom in. It makes it incredibly hard to work since I can't navigate a scene without this happening and have to fuss with it until I get lucky.

So forgive me if this is wrong as I do not use a tablet, but it sounds similar to a focus issue. Essentially Maya alters how far it zooms based on distance between the perspective camera and the subject. The easiest way for me to make it more comfortable is to select the object of focus and press F. That will associated the camera's zoom to the object.

That's super weird. What camera are you looking through? Just perspective? If the time slider is playing and the camera has a keyframe that's what could be what's flicking you back. Other than that.....no idea.

Yes, it's the perspective cam...actually it does appear that this only occurs with that camera. I also took your suggestions and check out the time slider and I didn't add any frames, nor is it playing.

I figured out what the issue might be, so I wanted to post it in the even others run into this. Not sure how, but I somehow created multiple perspective cameras in my scene...like 8 of them. After deleting all but the original one, I no longer had navigation issues. I undid the deletion and tried again to be sure but it didn't work. I then looked at the far clip plane in the original perspective camera and it was at 100000000.000. Lowering the far clip plane ( to like 10000.000) solved the issue for good.

Are you on about the zoom setting on the camera drop down menu when in flight?

If you are and want to save the zoom you set there you have to go into the pause menu, go into camera and adjust the zoom level there, then click apply/save and it will keep the setting.

The cause was that before setting up custom camera views I had used the default cockpit camera settings to adjust. Resetting the height, position and zoom sliders back to default 50 on those and then setting up custom camera views solved it.

In summary, no matter what zoom level is saved with the custom camera, the in-game zoom slider will always be set to your default zoom when you first switch to your custom camera. So you can then zoom in/out even further, beyond any normal limits.

The getCurrentViewingDistance() function returns the exact value that I have to put into the range parameter of a Cesium.HeadingPitchRange object in order to keep the distance to the terrain (in the center of the view). Unfortunately the flyTo() function has no offset parameter (yet), so I have to stick with my zoomEntity.

With all the work and effort put into making the zoom great and longer shots usable, I think its surely about time that some more focus is put into trying to make the camera look smooth when transitioning between lenses when zooming in for video and photo. Apple has mastered this ages ago and surely its time to at least make it look a bit more smooth.

You didn't by any chance enable the Enhance (zoom) feature, did you? If so, you can click on Cancel Enhance (the icon in the lower left corner with a minus sign inside an outline of a square) in the Nest app.

A true zoom lens or optical zoom lens is a type of parfocal lens, one that maintains focus when its focal length changes.[1] Most consumer zoom lenses do not maintain perfect focus, but are still nearly parfocal. Most camera phones that are advertised as having optical zoom actually use a few cameras of different but fixed focal length, combined with digital zoom to make a hybrid system. 0852c4b9a8

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