Cambois row to the North Pole


Use the hashtag #CamboisNorthPoleRow

The challenge

Cambois members are taking up the challenge to row from Ashington to the North Pole a distance of 3500km in 100 days. The purpose of the challenge is to raise funds to purchase some much needed equipment for the club, we are currently without regular water in the River due to the Weir being opened for a period of 3 months and the club wanted to do something to challenge the members over the Winter. Every member who rows on the erg (rowing machine) will be invited to add their distance rowed each time they take part in a session, we hope to hold some additional sessions over the period to ensure that we complete the challenge. There will be prizes for the male and female junior and senior members that complete the longest distance over the challenge. You can sponsor the club to help raise funds through the gofundme page, click here.