
Week 1: 2/16-2/19

  • Submitted project proposal for project using CNN with Maxim78000 chip in order to perform facial recognition

  • Encountered problems with potential extended delay in chip shipment due to Texas natural disaster

  • Began exploring other project proposal ideas using STM Discovery board

Week 2: 2/20-2/26

  • Received Maxim78000 chip earlier than expected, returned to exploring potential for project using Maxim chip

  • Researched workflow and needed development tools for Maxim chip

  • Faced setbacks in setting up CNN development tools needed for Maxim chip

Week 3: 2/27-3/5

  • Due to amount of time spent troubleshooting and setting up development environment for Maxim78000 chip, began to develop new project proposal using STM Discovery board

  • Proposed new project, got approval

  • Ordered necessary parts, including servo motor, 8x8 LED matrix, LED matrix backpack, and soldering iron

  • Began preliminary development in Keil

Week 4: 3/6-3/12

  • Tested individual components using separate builds

  • Soldered LED matrix to the I2C backpack

  • Tested individual components using separate projects to gain working understanding and verify part integrity

  • Learned how to interface with both servo and I2C matrix backpack

  • Began assigning ports to each component and forming overall project structure

Week 5: 3/13-3/17

  • Assembled code for separate components into large project

  • Identified and resolved I2C bug caused by voltage drop resulting from running 3 devices in parallel from 5v pin

  • Tested extensively, calculated angle/distance equation for matrix display coordinates from servo angle and measured distance

  • Added maximum range feature for more utility

  • Filmed demo video