Performance Approach

What is it?

The performance of achievement goal theory is how the students actually take in what they are learning. Students can go through and learn and do the work, the text, and the assignments but sometimes they can’t see what the goal of these worksheets is. Students may be motivated to do good in school and get good grades, but they don’t think deeply about these just being more facts and not the contact of the goal. For example, busy work can be seen as doing the assignments but students will often question what they are doing. 


Students are more likely to develop a "performance approach" style of motivation when they are more focused on the avoidance of failure. When a student is motivated not to fail, they may try harder in order not to. But this cause can be a double-edged sword, and cause performance avoidance as well (don't worry. we'll get to that one). They can also be motivated through the Self-worth theory (Covington, 1992). This theory states that students seek acceptance through achievement. They place their own worth on grades, therefore are motivated to try harder.

Influence on Learning?

While on one hand, a Performance Approach motivation style will motivate the student to get good grades even in subjects they might not be personally interested in. On the other hand, it's only motivating them to memorize the material in order to receive a good grade. They might perform very well on assignments and tests can only recite the crucial information and not understand the full meaning of the material. 

What can teachers do?

Teachers usually go into what the students may be working on and students would just see another worksheet to get a good grade on. If teachers tell students what the goals are, then the students would be more interested in it than the grades. Teachers can also give feedback that will help them motivate them to get the contact with the class. If students are constantly getting good feedback from their teachers, then the students will show an equal challenge to do better, and they will be guided to do better and show more improvement, students will be less concerned with how they perform and more concerned with their own individual learning process.