Publications and Pre-prints

12) ``Foliation adjunction,'' with P. Cascini, arXiv:2309.10697, 34 pp.

11) ``MMP for algebraically integrable foliations,'' with P. Cascini, arXiv:2303.07528, 14 pp.

10) "On semi-ampleness of the moduli part," with S. Filipazzi, arXiv:2212.03736, 28 pp.

9) "Positivity of the Moduli Part," with F. Ambro, P. Cascini, V. V. Shokurov, arXiv:2111.00423, 32 pp.

8) "Effective generation for foliated surfaces: results and applications," with R. Svaldi, Crelle (2022), 32 pp.

7) "On the MMP for rank one foliations on threefolds," with P. Cascini, submitted, arXiv:2012.11433, 82 pp.

6) "Local and global applications of the Minimal Model Program for co-rank one foliations on threefolds," with R. Svaldi, Journal of the European Mathematical Society (2022), arXiv:1908.05037, 55 pp.

5) "MMP for co-rank one foliations on threefolds," with P. Cascini, Inventiones Math. (2021), arXiv:1808.02711, 88 pp.

4) "Hypersurfaces quasi-invariant by codimension one foliations", with J. V. Pereira, Mathematische Annalen, Volume 378 pp. 613-635, arXiv:1804.08165.

3) "Higher dimensional foliated Mori theory", Compositio Mathematica, Volume 156, Issue 1 pp.1-38, arXiv:1709.06850.

2) “Laplacians on Julia sets III: Cubic Julia sets and formal matings”, with R. Strichartz and E. Totari, Fractal geometry and dynamical systems in pure and applied mathematics. I. Fractals in pure mathematics, 327–348 

1) “The implicit construction of multiplicity lists for classes of trees and verification of some conjectures”, with C. R. Johnson and J. Nuckols, Linear Algebra Appl. 438 (2013), no. 5, 1990–2003