Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

The CRDC Reports Include the following data:

Preschool, Enrollment Demographics, Discipline, Advance Placement, SAT & ACT, Math and Science Courses, Teacher Experience, and School Expenditures.

Certified CRDC Reports

July 1st - Jun 30th (collected biennial)

Certified 2017-18 CRDC Reports

Prior Years CRDC Certified Reports

What is the Civil Rights Data Collection?

The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is a biennial (i.e., every other school year) survey required by the U.S. Department of Education’s (Department) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) since 1968. Similar to the 2011–12 CRDC, the 2013–14 CRDC collected data from a universe of all public local educational agencies (LEA) and schools, including long-term secure juvenile justice facilities, charter schools, alternative schools, and schools serving students with disabilities. The 2015-16 CRDC will also collect information from a universe of public LEAs. (CRDC: Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the purpose of the CRDC?

The CRDC collects data on leading civil rights indicators related to access and barriers to educational opportunity at the early childhood through grade 12 levels. The CRDC is also a longstanding and critical aspect of the overall enforcement and monitoring strategy used by OCR to ensure that recipients of the Department’s Federal financial assistance do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and disability. OCR relies on CRDC data it receives from public school districts as it investigates complaints alleging discrimination, determines whether the Federal civil rights laws it enforces have been violated, initiates proactive compliance reviews to focus on particularly acute or nationwide civil rights compliance problems, and provides policy guidance and technical assistance to educational institutions, parents, students, and others. In addition, the CRDC is a valuable resource for other Department offices and Federal agencies, policymakers and researchers, educators and school officials, parents and students, and the public who seek data on student equity and opportunity. (CRDC: Frequently Asked Questions)

Farmersville Unified School District

571 E Citrus Dr., Farmersville CA 93223

Ph: 559-592-2010 Fax: 559-592-2203