Call Break Lite Privacy Policy

Thank you for choosing to play Call Break Lite! We believe in providing a fun and entertaining gaming experience while respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how third-party advertising partners may collect information during your use of the game.

Collection of Information

While playing Call Break Lite, third-party advertising partners may collect certain information for the purpose of serving personalized ads. This information may include but is not limited to your device type, IP address, unique device identifiers, browser type, and in-game interactions. However, please note that we, the developers of Call Break Lite, do not collect any personal information from our users.

Use of Information

The information collected by third-party advertising partners is used solely for the purpose of delivering relevant advertisements to you within the game. This information helps advertisers to tailor their ads based on your interests and preferences.

Third-Party Advertising Partners

Call Break Lite may display advertisements from third-party advertising networks. These networks may have their own privacy policies governing the collection and use of your information. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these third-party advertisers for more information on how they handle your data.

Opting Out

Most mobile devices provide settings that allow you to opt out of personalized advertising. You can adjust these settings within your device's privacy settings. Please note that opting out of personalized advertising may still result in you seeing ads, but they will be less relevant to your interests.

Your Consent

By playing Call Break Lite and viewing advertisements within the game, you consent to the collection and use of your information by third-party advertising partners in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Have Fun Playing Call Break Lite!

We hope you enjoy playing Call Break Lite and have a great time challenging your friends or the computer! Remember, your privacy and enjoyment are important to us, and we are committed to providing a safe and entertaining gaming experience.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the use of your information in Call Break Lite, please contact us at

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