Summer has passed and modeling is back.  Hope you all had an enjoyable summer. 

Getting back into the train show mode remembering that there is only 80 or so days til Christmas, good thing for train shows.  

In the Achievement program, there are a few members getting really close to thier Master Model Railroader, from all over the Region.  That's really exciting.  A lot of work and good modeling has been done since summer started - good work all!  

Keep an eye out in Greeley for witches, goblins and all sorts of creepy characters during Halloween season.  The good people at the Colorado Model Railroad Museum, are getting wound up and are inviting the region to a get together and even Gordy was invited - hope to see some of you there.

As a reminder, the second weekend on November, in Albuquerque is our annual.Regional Convention.  Mike Mackie, Western Division Director is a guest clinician.  Should be a fun time.

Keep warm these upcoming months as it's supposed to be an early winter.

Take care of your families and friends.  Be safe and get ready for a great Holiday Season!
