Call recorder 2023

Privacy Policy

Recording Call - Microphone

Recording Call - Microphone

We do not hold any recordings or User information on our own servers.

The App “Automatic Call Recorder” records phone calls. All recorded calls are recorded on the phone using the microphone on the device. The recorded files and related notes are stored on the phone’s storage and NO server is involved with recording phone calls.​


The App requests permission to access the phone's storage only in order to store the recorded calls and play the recorded files afterwards. The App does not access any other files nor excess User's photos.


Third-party collected data

The App uses several third parties in order to improve our services. These parties collect their own data. Please read their privacy policies (see the links below) to ensure that you're comfortable with the manner in which they collect data.


The App accesses the contacts on the phone in order to display the contacts that were recorded and so the App can record or ignore calls from specific contacts. The contacts information is NOT transmitted nor stored on any server.

have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please email