I'm trying to figure out whether it's okay to use the expression "call of the blood" to describe the phenomenon of doing something naturally (or coming to like it naturally) because it's in your blood, because your ancestors did it/were skillful at it, etc. For example, my ancestors were always good at horse riding, and I should also be good at that, at least like that because it's in my blood- in English, could I call this the "call of the blood"?

We do have this expression in Russian. The words themselves seem pretty self-explanatory, but since there are so many expressions involving the word "blood", I thought to ask the native speakers and English language specialists here.

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I don't think that "call of the blood" is an idiomatic phrase in English. Google Ngrams reports a tiny number of occurrences, but none of them have the meaning of "in one's blood". Variations of the latter phrase have two orders of magnitude more occurrences.

But that doesn't mean that one can assume total productivity. There are plenty of hits in a Google search for "call of the blood", but these seem to be just repeats of various books and films so titled. I'd say that the expression is not idiomatic (though grammatically there's no problem), and that its intended meaning could only be guessed at.

To clarify, it is not the object that is static but the variable. If you have a "mutable static" you can very well drop the object that was created statically and have an object created at run-time end up not being dropped:

The AI system, called ToxMod, is "focused on detecting harm within voice chat versus specific keywords," according to an official FAQ. Detection happens in real time, though the devs say ToxMod "only submits reports about toxic behavior, categorized by its type of behavior and a rated level of severity based on an evolving model. Activision determines how it will enforce voice chat moderation violations."

ToxMod is live in North America for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone as of today, August 30, and will roll out globally (except for Asia) with the launch of Modern Warfare 3 on November 10. According to a press release, English is the only language supported right now, but other languages will follow "at a later date."

The AI system was created by a company called Modulate. Up until this point ToxMod has seemingly been deployed primarily in social VR games like Rec Room and Among Us VR. While it's possible other games have been using the tech without a formal announcement, Call of Duty is the first AAA title to be listed on ToxMod's official site.

1. C++: This is one of the most prevalent languages in game development. It is used for the core engine and low-level systems programming. C++ offers high performance and direct hardware access, making it well-suited for tasks like rendering graphics, physics simulations, and networking.

2. C#: This language is commonly used in game development with engines like Unity, which is widely used for indie game development. C# provides a managed code environment and is used for scripting game logic, AI behavior, and user interface development.

3. Lua: Lua is a lightweight scripting language often used as an embedded language within game engines. It allows for rapid prototyping and easy modification of game logic and behavior at runtime.

5. Shader Languages: Graphics programming in games often involves writing shaders, which are programs that run on the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Shaders are typically written in specialized languages like OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) or High-Level Shading Language (HLSL), depending on the target platform.

6. Other Languages: Depending on the requirements and platforms, game development may involve other languages like Java, JavaScript, or even assembly language for specific optimizations.

It's worth noting that game development is a collaborative effort, and different programmers may use different languages within the same project, depending on their area of expertise and the requirements of their tasks.

Changing the language in Call of Duty Warzone or Modern Warfare on PC is not immediately obvious, as the setting is not found in the interface when the game is running, but instead is found inside the Battle.net launcher.

If you wish to uninstall a language to free up storage space, simply repeat the steps above, and at step 4 deselect the non-required language. Click Confirm then Start Update and the files will be removed from your computer.

ChatGPT is a generative language model tool launched by OpenAI on November 30, 2022, enabling the public to converse with a machine on a broad range of topics. In January 2023, ChatGPT reached over 100 million users, making it the fastest-growing consumer application to date. This interview with ChatGPT is part 2 of a larger interview with ChatGPT. It provides a snapshot of the current capabilities of ChatGPT and illustrates the vast potential for medical education, research, and practice but also hints at current problems and limitations. In this conversation with Gunther Eysenbach, the founder and publisher of JMIR Publications, ChatGPT generated some ideas on how to use chatbots in medical education. It also illustrated its capabilities to generate a virtual patient simulation and quizzes for medical students; critiqued a simulated doctor-patient communication and attempts to summarize a research article (which turned out to be fabricated); commented on methods to detect machine-generated text to ensure academic integrity; generated a curriculum for health professionals to learn about artificial intelligence (AI); and helped to draft a call for papers for a new theme issue to be launched in JMIR Medical Education on ChatGPT. The conversation also highlighted the importance of proper "prompting." Although the language generator does make occasional mistakes, it admits these when challenged. The well-known disturbing tendency of large language models to hallucinate became evident when ChatGPT fabricated references. The interview provides a glimpse into the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT and the future of AI-supported medical education. Due to the impact of this new technology on medical education, JMIR Medical Education is launching a call for papers for a new e-collection and theme issue. The initial draft of the call for papers was entirely machine generated by ChatGPT, but will be edited by the human guest editors of the theme issue.

There are many factors that go into successfully hunting wild turkeys, including calling them at the right place at the right time. Knowing the distinctly different sounds wild turkeys make in specific situations will increase you chances for a successful harvest and make you an all-around better wild turkey hunter.

The adult hen assembly call is a series of loud yelps, usually a little more emphatic and longer than a standard series of yelps. The assembly yelp is used by a hen to assemble her flock or young poults. It is a good call in the fall when trying to call a scattered flock back together.

The cluck consists of one or more short, staccato notes. The plain cluck often includes two or three single note clucks. It's generally used by one bird to get the attention of another and a good call to reassure an approaching gobbler that a hen is waiting for him. This is a great call while trying to encourage gobbler to come into range if he starts to hang up. It can also be used while birds are still on the roost to subtly let a gobbler know you are there.

The cluck and purr is a cluck followed by a rolling, almost staccato call. It is often associated with flock talk or the feeling of contentment. Typically not a loud call, though sometimes it can be amplified, it is good for reassuring turkeys as they get close to your position.

Loud, sharp clucks that are often mixed with yelping. Cutting is a sign that turkeys are excited, not alarmed. Cutting has several uses in hunting. If a gobbler is henned up, and one of the hens is cutting, you can cutt back in an attempt to bring her to you. You will want to mimic her calls, while cutting off her vocalizations and being a bit more excited. The goal with this tactic is to lure a dominate hen to you for a fight, often times bringing the gobbler with her. You can also cutt when you have tried soft calling to a gobbler that is hung up.

Similar sounds and notes as a plain yelp but much more excited, rapid and with more volume. This is not a sign of alarm, but indicates that a turkey is worked up about something. If a gobbler is henned up, you might be able to bring him to you by picking a fight with the dominate hen in the flock. Yelp at her excitedly, cut off her vocalizations with your own calls and you might lure the hen, and the gobbler with her, to you. You can also use an excited yelp when you have tried soft calling to a gobbler that is hung up.

A cackle usually consists of three to 10 irregularly spaced notes, loud and staccato, increasing in pitch as the call nears its end. The cackle is generally associated with leaving the roost, but can also be heard when a bird is flying up to a roost. A fly-down cackle is good call to tell a gobbler that a hen is on the ground. However, a fly-down cackle often works best if the gobbler is already on the ground before you call. Otherwise, the tom may stay on the roost; waiting for what he thinks is a hen turkey to come to him before he flies down. A fly-up cackle can also be a good tool when trying to locate roosted toms, as it may get a roosted tom to gobble.

The gobble is a loud, rapid gurgling sound made by male turkeys. The gobble is one of the principal vocalizations of the male wild turkey and is used primarily in the spring to let hens know he is in the area. Hunters must be cautious using a gobble, especially on public land where it may attract fellow hunters to your position. It can also be a double-edged sword. A gobble may draw a dominate tom to you looking for a fight or you might drive away less dominant birds who want to avoid a beating. It is often used as a call of last resort. However, it can also be used effectively late in the evening when trying to get a tom to gobble on the roost. 0852c4b9a8

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