Eighth Call for Letters of Inquiry
Caribbean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot

Small and Large Grants

Dominican Republic and English-speaking Caribbean

Opening Date: Friday, 26 July 2024
9:00 a.m. Washington D.C. time

Closing Date:  Monday, 9 September 2024
11:59 p.m. Washington D.C. time

Grant Size: Small grants - between US$5,000 and US$50,000

                                        Large grants - greater than US$50,000 


Process to Apply for a Small Grant

(US$5,000 - US$50,000)

Process to Apply for a Large Grant 


Useful tools and information

Caribbean Islands Ecosystem Profile - Spanish/English   

Caribbean Islands Ecosystem Profile Summary - Spanish/English 

Environmental and Social Management Framework for the CEPF Investment

Logical Framework for the Investment - Spanish/English

Priority KBA Maps

This resource allows prospective grantees to view maps of each priority KBA for the CEPF Caribbean Islands Phase II Investment on GoogleMaps platform

How to submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) for a small grant

The CEPF RIT for the Caribbean Islands Phase II Investment has created a short training video on how to use this platform to submit your LOI. Please see this training video to the left, or to open directly on You Tube, click here

Informational webinar for prospective applicants

The RIT will host an informational webinar for prospective applicants on Thursday, 8 August 2024, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Washington, D.C. time). Register here.

Other useful links


Contact caribbeanrit@canari.org to get more information.