Paris (France), September 2 -5  2024

CaLISTA Workshop Geometry-Informed Machine Learning

at Mines Paris (France)


new CALISTA Photographic Contest

A photographic contest on the theme of 'Symmetry in mathematics and physics' is launched by the COST Action 21109, CaLISTA. The rules are the following:

Registration are closed!

Participation at the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. 


Max-Plus Algebra, tropical geometry and mathematical morphology 

chaired by Jesus G. Angulo

George Matheron 

Symplectic Model of Lie Groups Thermodynamics & Physics-Informed NN

chaired by F. Barbaresco

Jean-Marie Souriau

Symmetry and Equivariance in Deep Learning

Elie Cartan

Geometrical Deep Learning

chaired by M. Parton

Tullio Levi-Civita





The Speakers (* to be confirmed)



The Venue

Mines Paris

60 Bd Saint-Michel, Paris FRANCE

To reach the Mines Paris by public transport, several options are available:

Additionally, numerous spaces are provided around the Luxembourg park for parking bicycles and scooters.

Information about Reimbursment 

For the training school "Geometry-informed Machine Learning CA21109 COST Action CaLISTA reimburses

DA (Daily allowance) 130,00 EUR  (per day) for Trainers (Speakers) and DA 120 EUR (per day) for Trainees (attending not speaking).

There is also 300,00 EUR as a maximal reimbursement for travel costs (long-distance travel).


Long distance travel

➢ Any travel >= 101 km (one way) between the main transport hub at point of departure and the main transport hub at the event venue (roundtrip);

please be careful in your trip planning, different means of transport is counted separately and car has a new special rules (for the trip equal or above 301 km the accommodation invoice and proof of payment as supporting documents are a must, please contact organizers to obtain more information);

transport from/to Airport is between short distance travel

➢ Paid based on face-value

➢ Limited to plane, train, bus, car, and ferry

➢ It´s recommended to include cancellation insurance


Daily Allowance (DA) covers:

➢ Accommodation

➢ Meals

➢ Short distance travel: below or equal to 100 km each way

No receipts required (to be uploaded), but please archive them - for a specific situation it will be needed to upload them as supporting documents.


In order to be reimbursed:


✓Attendance List signed for each day

✓GH Institution contract signed (GH institution needs this to be able to reimburse you; you have the contract signed from the previous CaLISTA Activities or it will be signed during the Meeting)

✓e-COST profile with affiliation and bank details

✓Official invitation via e-COST, accepted

✓Submit the Online Travel Reimbursement Request (OTRR) not later than 15 days after the Meeting

✓Clear and readable invoices


Non-eligible expenses:

x Any costs on top of the DA and long-distance travel: ex. taxi, parking, tolls, fuel,

carbon tax, extra nights, extra meals

x PCR, Antigen tests (COVID)

x Stand-alone Life-, medical-, health-, and luggage insurance

x Carbon off-set fees, Conference/registration fees

x Lecture fees or honoraria

x Any extra fees associated with obtaining visas: SMS, photographs, postage

x Rebooking fees

x Printing and postage

x Regional/national taxation; stamp-duty expenses

x Bank charges



Contact organization committee