Los Angeles Computer Repair 

Need to fix your Computer or Laptop?

authorized computer repair done right the first time

Lenovo Computer Repair Center

Asus Computer Repair Center

Apple Computer Repair Center

New: Express laptop repair

We can now fix most laptop problems in under 24 hours at a new lower cost. Learn more here

Ask Us About our Laptop Trade-ins 

Home and Enterprise Users 

The team at California Computer is thrilled to showcase our collection of around 50 of the latest laptops from top brands like HP, Lenovo, Dell, and Asus. We display each laptop with full details so you specs and price are completely transparent.  With our large selection, we've got something for every budget - this is computer shopping at its best!

But we're more than just laptops. Our real passion is using our extensive technical knowledge to help customers find the right tech products. Whether you need a new laptop, the latest smart gadget, an immersive display screen or networking equipment, we've got you covered.

At California Computer, customer service is our top priority. We take a holistic approach to understanding your tech needs and ensure they are met. Our expertise across laptops, smart devices, digital screens, and networking gear means we can offer the total tech solution.

Come visit us and see for yourself the blend of skill, excellence and service that sets us apart. Finding the perfect technology has never been easier than at California Computer!

Computer-authorized service centers should be the preferred choice, offering OEM parts, maintaining warranties, and ensuring data security through employee background checks. Learn why their specialized expertise leads to shorter downtime while preserving the quality and functionality of your equipment. 

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