Laptop Fix vs. Upgrade podcast 

EMILY: Hey there, everyone! Welcome back to another explosive episode of TechBanter! I'm Emily Meany...


KEVIN: ...and I'm Kevin Jebali. Today, we will be diving into a topic that gets our gears grinding - to fix or to buy new? That is the question.


EMILY: As always Kevin, you manage to get the Shakespeare references in!


KEVIN: Well, Emily, not everyone has the luxury of updating to the new Apple M1 every six months!




EMILY: Oh, here we go! At least I can run four apps at the same time without my laptop sounding like an airplane at takeoff!


KEVIN: Ouch, that's low. But let's get to business. First, let's talk fixing. I believe it's the more economical and responsible choice. A few years is not that old for a good laptop. With regular cleanups and maybe even some hardware upgrades, you can improve performance significantly.


EMILY: That sounds nice and all, Kevin, but not everyone is a tech wizard. For some, handling hardware upgrades is like diffusing a bomb!


KEVIN: (Laughs) Well, you could always take it to a professional. Still, cheaper than a new laptop!


EMILY: Unless you are dealing with obsolete parts, which can be pricey! Plus, there's also the fact that some software no longer supports outdated systems. Do you really want to keep stuck living in 2016?


KEVIN: Hey, 2016 was a good year!


EMILY: Was it, Kevin? Was it, thou?




EMILY: Seriously, though, a shiny new laptop promises better performance, sleeker design, new features. How is fixing your old pal going to compete with that amount of fabulousness?


KEVIN: By being lighter on your wallet and the environment! Electronic waste is one of the largest growing waste streams globally. Even if you recycle your devices, it's way more sustainable to extend the life of your tech.


EMILY: I'd say that’s a point for Kevin, ladies and gentlemen. But hey, let’s not forget the productivity and creativity boost new technology can bring! The feeling of absolute power when you're holding a high-end device in your hands…


KEVIN: Ah, the fleeting joys of consumerism.


EMILY: Kevin!


KEVIN: (Chuckles) Sorry, couldn't resist. But you have to agree, it's also a question of need. Not everyone needs the latest features and the fastest machine. Sometimes, a solid piece of equipment that keeps doing its job is all you need.


EMILY: And I hear you, but sometimes, you need to let go of the old to welcome the new. And that’s equally valid. Either way, it's about being informed and making the right decision for you.


KEVIN: I agree. Be it fixing or buying new, whatever floats your techy boat!


[Theme Music Fades In]


EMILY: Well, on that agreeing note, it's time for us to log off. Keep the tech talk buzzing, everybody!


KEVIN: And don't forget to be awesome! We'll catch you in the next episode of CA Computer Tech podcast . Until then, adios!


[Theme Music Plays]