California Windshield Repair Contractors Association

Wiper fluid is a safety risk at home according to the CWRCA. (Photo Credits)

CWRCA warns about the dangers of windshield wiper fluids

The California Windshield Repair Contractors Association (CWRCA) has warned parents about the dangers of stocking windshield wiper fluids at home. In a press release, the California-based windshield repair association mentioned that windshield wiper fluids are highly toxic and can cause blindness and even death to anyone who mistakenly drinks it.

“There are incidences when it has been mistaken for a sports drink especially when it has been stored in a recycled sports drink container. This is extremely dangerous and if this happens, immediate medical attention is needed,” warns CWRCA President Jacob Taylor.

The National Capital Poison Control Center has an article on windshield wiper fluids and along with it a strong warning about its high level of toxicity. National Windshield Repair Association

“Windshield wiper solution typically contains 30-50% methanol. Methanol is a highly toxic alcohol. Very small amounts are poisonous – to children, adults, and pets. Symptoms of poisoning don't happen for a while. Someone could swallow even a fatal amount and feel fine for hours.”

Read more here.

Causes Blindness

The University of Utah has also urged parents to be very cautious about storing windshield wiper fluids at home. In a published interview with one of their medical experts they mentioned the scary effects of windshield wiper poisoning in adults and on children.

“A lot of people think that because it's blue it's the same thing that's in Windex, it's not it contains methanol which is a very dangerous alcohol. One teaspoon of that is enough to potentially cause blindness, in an adult. So, as you can see a child gets into that, gets the container open, potentially takes a swallow of it, that's enough to be, to cause blindness or be potential fatal.”

Read more here.

DIY Wiper Fluid

The website One Good Thing by Jillee meantime offered a solution to the problem. In one of their web posts, they shared a recipe for a Do-It-Yourself non-toxic Windshield Wiper Fluid. Repair of Laminated Autoglass Standards

National Windshield Repair Association

“Fill an empty gallon container with water. (This is a good way to repurpose 1 gallon plastic vinegar jugs, which I seem to go through a lot of!) Add, dish soap, ammonia, and food coloring (optional). Recap the bottle and gently tip upside down a few times to mix ingredients. Pour into the windshield wiper fluid reservoir of your car.”

Get the full recipe here.

The CWRCA reminded vehicle owners especially those living with children to keep windshield wiper fluids completely out of children’s reach. They added that it should never be placed on a recycled drink bottle to avoid accidental consumption even by adults.

City Auto Glass San Diego

6620 Miramar Rd #102, San Diego, CA 92121
