COVID-19 Resources

Please see the links below to that you can use with your student to help them maintain what they have learned and also to progress during this time of school-building closures.

SPED Resources

Use the links below to foster learning and improvement. If you do not have your student's username/password, please contact me at, and I will get that information to you.

Students love to use the computer, and parents can tap into this natural area of interest to provide powerful help to their student with little effort. Terrebonne Parish School District has a webpage that provides parents with online resources. Access that page at Other ways to help your student are to:

Check folders/planner each day

Create a comfortable, well-lit learning space

Ask children, “What are you going to study tonight?” rather than “Do you have homework?” Note: If your child continuously says that they have nothing to study for or that they did nothing at school, then we have a problem. Let us know about it.

Create specific homework/study times

Communicate regularly with teachers

Limit screen time (TV, electronic devices, video games)

Establish a nightly routine with a set bedtime

Help students understand the importance of being on-task and prepared each day

Reinforce the importance of good manners and being kind to others