Context and license
This is a text for a second undergraduate Calculus course. This book includes applications from many disciplines, and integrates the use of the open-source computer algebra system SageMath throughout. This free online book should be usable as a stand-alone textbook or as a supplementary resource.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
You can use, print, duplicate, share this book as much as you want. You can base your own book on it and reuse parts if you keep the license the same. If you plan to use it commercially (sell it for more than duplicating cost), then you need to contact me and we will work something out.
This work is based upon the open-source books Community Calculus by David Guichard et al. and Mooculus and Mooculus: Sequences and Series by Jim Fowler and Bart Snapp.
Major changes include:
Creating a full chapter on linear algebra topics.
Strengthening the presentation of topics that prepare students for a course in Differential Equations, including hyperbolic functions and complex numbers.
Inserting instruction and exercises using the computer algebra system SageMath.
Adding applications in healthcare, chemistry and pharmacy.
Further content was adapted from these open-source resources:
Linear Algebra by Jim Hefferon.
Precalculus by Carl Stitz and Jeff Zeager.
I am grateful to all authors listed on the Attributions page, and indeed all open-source creators, for making their materials available. Without this publishing model, I probably would not have been able to to realize this project. What a nice way for us to collaborate! I am also grateful to the authors listed on the Further Reading page, for influencing my thinking on this subject, and its presentation.