MA 1024 - Calculus IV

Deliverables Page

B-Term, Fall 2022

Prof. B. S. Tilley

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Three 45 minute exams given in lecture. Each exam covers approximately the same amount of content and has approximately the same level of difficulty. A sample exam will be available one week prior to the exam, and a graded rubric of the sample exam will be available by the day before the exam. All exams are closed book, closed notes, and no electronic devices are allowed.

Exam Dates

  • November 11, 2022

  • November 28, 2022

  • December 16, 2022


There will be assignments using this online tool to understand your basic knowledge of the topics for that day's lecture. You receive full credit for correct answers, independent of the number of attempts made. The assignments are given in three stages based on the exam dates. The first six assignments are due on November 14, 2022. Each problem is equally weighted (1 point per problem is a perfect score). These assignments need to be completed by their due date. These assignments need to be completed by their due date, and they can be access through assignments on Canvas.


Provides instruction on use of software MATLAB and Desmos for Calculus applications. Topics include level curves of quadratic surfaces, critical point analysis and Riemann sums for volume estimation.

Students registered to labs (M or T) receive synchronous instruction in the first week introducing the topic and software commands required to execute the scheduled labs. Asynchronous videos assist the student through a systematic process leading to understanding of graphing, algebraic, and Calculus commands. In the next week, lab instructors offer office hours for questions and a team assignment is due that Wednesday by noon.

Labs begin on weeks of October 31, November 14, and November 28. Lab due dates are on November 9, November 22, and December 12